How could UM improve?

Thanatos said:
A teleportation button, to meet my overseas buddies :goggly:
Hell yes.

Apart from that, it would be good if you could have an option so that when you ignore people you can't even see they've posted, rather than the post just being hidden. Not sure whether it's possible, but you asked for it. :p

Apart from that, UM RAWKZ)RZ!! :kickarse:

Oh yes, and change the kickarse smiley to :kickarse:. ;)
Rusty said:
it would be good if you could have an option so that when you ignore people you can't even see they've posted, rather than the post just being hidden. Not sure whether it's possible, but you asked for it. :p

otherwise I think it´s a great forum
i'm here for the forums too, mark, sorry if this has just reduced your self-esteem to quantum particle size. :p

teh serious suggestions:

more variety in the background colours of the um-administered boards. if i follow a link to a thread without selecting the forum first, most of the times i don't even know where i'm posting. isn't this just a terrible, frightening thing? isn't it enough to make me shiver in a corner all day and wet my bed each night while bitter tears roll down my cheeks and banshees wail outside my door?
maybe not. so i feel compelled to add: the word-processor-lookalike interface at the top of the post field is clumsy. most of the people here can at least write the easiest codes and cut/paste stuff by themselves. i know i can probably make it disappear (through magic. or a button in my options page, whatever) but i remember trying and witnessing sad things happening. maybe you could make it a bit simpler or less ugly?

teh not-so-serious suggestions:

banning people who start flame wars is a very bad idea in my opinion. they should stay, they're a lot of fun and help release the tension of the day, unless of course they spam left and right. those that ought to be put to death are the countless, faceless birthday/ nowplaying/ noweating/ nowwhateverdoesn'ttakemorethanthreewords threads people who somehow manage to get to 2000 or more posts just by being generally polite to everyone and never saying anything remotely interesting. they're the passive, inert middle class of um who approaches communication as if it consisted in a series of small-talk afternoons spent sipping tea and taking good care not to have any opinion at all on any remotely meaningful subject. i'd say we round these people up and, in the name of freedom of speech, we stick small pointy objects in their eyes. :)

teh really looney suggestions:

you should start a travel agency business and organize trips for forum members so that they can meet each other. cheap prices. also, throw a big party and have as many of us as possible come using your own ultimatemetal airlines. on the plane, soothing music shall be substituted with ominous metal tunes and reports on flight accidents. oh, and a teddy for me, thank you: i sleep whenever i get airborne and i need something to hug. ;)

teh inevitable words of praise:

this site has no equals among forums online, period. the organization, quality of service, and average quality of users is higher than anything else that has not been humoured by a 'week-end web' installment over at i'm particularly enamoured by the kind of interaction among users and the fact that all opinions are expressed so freely. for instance, i expect someone to tell me i don't know a thing about science because quantum particles are, in fact, bigger than a white elephant.
hey, it might be like that for all i know. i really don't know a thing about science after all.
squarenothing66 said:
A favorite forums area on each page, so you don't have to click around! I know I mentioned it before.

This is on my list of things to do, believe me. However, when it is in place it will not be on every page, just the main index (and your usercp)...
Mark said:
So do you guys only see UM as being a forum site, and not a metal zine with forums?
Unfortunately, yes. I read the occasional review or interview, if Russell tell me about one, and I've used the shop once or twice. Apart from that it's a forum for me.
Russell said:
What about me :(
you're full of content too, but i'm not allowed to kiss more than one hot guy each day, my gayness-meter would burst and the ice caps would melt. save something meaningful for tomorrow and life will smile to you too: rusty disappeared in a wave of pure bliss soon after receiving his prize.
rahvin said:
teh inevitable words of praise:

this site has no equals among forums online, period. the organization, quality of service, and average quality of users is higher than anything else that has not been humoured by a 'week-end web' installment over at i'm particularly enamoured by the kind of interaction among users and the fact that all opinions are expressed so freely. for instance, i expect someone to tell me i don't know a thing about science because quantum particles are, in fact, bigger than a white elephant.
hey, it might be like that for all i know. i really don't know a thing about science after all.
I couldn't have said it better! :D

Well, maybe I could have, but I was too lazy. :erk:


Ditto with what Rahvin and Rusty said... and Thanatos too.

Yeah. :hypno:
rahvin said:
you're full of content too, but i'm not allowed to kiss more than one hot guy each day, my gayness-meter would burst and the ice caps would melt. save something meaningful for tomorrow and life will smile to you too: rusty disappeared in a wave of pure bliss soon after receiving his prize.
Don't worry, I'm not hot. :)
I would agree with rahvin. A different color scheme would be good. Possibly the really old blue for 'The Life' forums, then maybe a dark one for the unofficial forums.

And don't have postcount displayed with each post. Or rep. Make people look at profiles if they care that much.

And the above suggestion is serious.