How could UM improve?

You could change the banner on the front page that says The Gathering - LIVEattheCALEDONIENHALL to In the Woods... as it should be. =)
Well, I added a member's picture site. Now just need to get people to submit photos :p

I might put a live Java Chat there if there is interest...
It would be nice if all the oneliner-people could be relegated to an irc-server. What they're doing here is completely worthless. This is a message board, not irc. Posts should have meaning and content. "I agree"-posts and all these posts with just a smiley in them are typical irc material. Begone, heathens!
I gave out some reputation until i realized it was limited. I heaped bad rep on every one-liner I saw until I ran out, and since then I haven't given two tugs of a dead dog's cock about it. Everybody should not be a moderator. I think reputation should be restricted to enlightened and qualified moderators. Also, I'd like to see moderators removing contentless posts. That would make my day. Or year.
Protocol said:
I gave out some reputation until i realized it was limited. I heaped bad rep on every one-liner I saw until I ran out, and since then I haven't given two tugs of a dead dog's cock about it. Everybody should not be a moderator. I think reputation should be restricted to enlightened and qualified moderators. Also, I'd like to see moderators removing contentless posts. That would make my day. Or year.
but you do realize by doing that without signing your name with the bad rep you make profånity a really bad favor because everyone think it´s him....
Genre forums!
The reviews could be set out better, more 'databasey' with a proper scoring process.
Oh, and you should have more kewlio interactive stuff like polls and tournaments and stuff!!!1
xenophobe said:
betcha he's from the Linkin Park site.. :lol:


Linkin Park has a site! I thought they just had a web page.

Any ways,have you've ever been to the site of abrasiverock? A Mark dude is its creator,don't know if its the same Mark from this site though. If you do decide to check it out,BEWARE of Mark's monkey! Very very nasty cyber critter I must say.
we could forego the prescence of few of the loons on this board, but somehow I'm thinking that wish is not in marks power to grant.