How could UM improve?

I think you miss the point of the 'official forums' section. These are forums paid for, and run/moderated, by the bands themselves or their representatives (webmasters, management, whoever).

Dissection already have an official board on HMAS. So why they need one on UM is beyond me - and I doubt they would be willing to pay for the service when they're already receiving a free forum over on HMAS. If the band are back for the long haul, then their forum would probably be moved out of the 'departed' section and into the 'unofficial' section if there was a call for it - otherwise it would simply be removed.
That's the intel I was looking for.
Thanks for not being a dick, and answering the questions. I am overly anxious for the revival. Case Closed.......and job security.
i don't know... the forum its great... maybe you could try to improve the REPUTACION sistem.. who knows??.. maybe give rewards for those with a lot of points, nothing fancy, maybe a mail address or something.

i can't think of anything else right now.
But, gettin rid of Profanity its a good idea.
Slap down the people who snivel about other members when they'd be better off just ignoring them..the incessant flaming got old months ago :/
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How about making it so that when you put someone on ignore, instead of a message stating you ignored them, it "appears" to remove their post completely, like they don't even exist? Or is that a bit too complicated?
I don't visit the site itself, I honestly have no interest in "metalzines." I will become a premium member solely for the forums. :)
I have no complaints.... everything seems to be in perfect order etc etc
It looks fine to me and i have never had probs with it cept the occational um down thing but thats with all sites
im 100% happy with the way um is :)