How Did You Discover Symphony X???

My buddy downloaded a few songs and made me listen to Sea of Lies, I didn't like it at first cause the singer could actually sing and it was a tad cheesy (I was used to Megadeth at the time). A few days later I stumble upon the tab to Smoke and Mirrors, I take a look at the intro sweep and then shat a few bricks. Been a fan ever since.
I was really into Dream Theater, and I was just looking through the cd's at my local store, and I saw the name 'Symphony X', and I thought it sounded pretty cool, so I looked at the cd (it was The Odyssey) and say it had a 24 minute song on it! I thought this was cool, so I went home and looked them up and listened to the samples of Inferno, King Of Terrors and Awakenings, and realized that this band contained the perfect balance of metal and classical and progressiveness that I had been yearning! Plus I like Russel Allen's voice better than James Labrie... So the very next weekend I went in and bought it straight away, and it was one of the best finds I've ever made!!! Now I own all of the studio albums except for the first self-titled one, (which won't be far away), and I love them all!!! So there u have it, how 'bout you??? :headbang:
ah yes.. well this topic hasnt been done for several years so its all good..probably alot of new forumers here now who haven't talked about it yet..

for me, I was briefly involved with this metal dude and one day he was showing me different songs on his computer and showed me 'king of terrors' - it was instant love for me, like nothing I'd ever heard before and everything I'd ever wanted in a band so I got a computer, got the internet, and started looking up everything Symphony X - downloaded some of their songs and realised that they were even better than I originally thought and then something compelled me to join the forum and it has now been many years and I'm still here :)
My buddy downloaded a few songs and made me listen to Sea of Lies, I didn't like it at first cause the singer could actually sing and it was a tad cheesy (I was used to Megadeth at the time). A few days later I stumble upon the tab to Smoke and Mirrors, I take a look at the intro sweep and then shat a few bricks. Been a fan ever since.

Yeah, I've got the tabs for that one... It's HUGE!!!
I was in a music store. Then i saw and got amazed at the cover-art of the album V. I had money, and bought it, despite i hadn't known anything about them, their genre, popularity etc. I think it was the beginning of 2001. At the first 2 or 3 listens, i didn't like it very much. The guitar tone and vocal melodies seemed to be very disgusting. Even i got angry to the vocalist thinking "hey he is talented, but why did he write such stupid melodies" . And before long, i fortunately understood i had been completely wrong. :headbang:
One summer that i was first getting into metal i was on the metal blade website almost day and night listening to their bands. Symphony X put out V though metal blade in america and Evolution was my first taste. That's still my favorite symx disc since i feel it's the most consistant.

Oh, and IMO, self titled symx isn't worth getting. Some songs that have potential (see the remake of Masquerade) but rod tyler is so fucking horrible that it just ruins the disc. And shades of grey is possibly the worst song ever written.
I've heard that, but I think I'll get it regardless, at least to complete the collection... I suppose it's similar to When Dream And Day Unite, songs with potential but a crap singer ruining it... I still enjoy that disc anyway, so I'm sure I'll be able to get something out of the Self-titled...
A friend of mine invited me into an IRC channel of metal lovers. 10 mins later I was listening to Of Sin and Shadows. I went out and bought DWOT the next day. A couple of weeks later The Oddysey was released!
I've heard that, but I think I'll get it regardless, at least to complete the collection... I suppose it's similar to When Dream And Day Unite, songs with potential but a crap singer ruining it... I still enjoy that disc anyway, so I'm sure I'll be able to get something out of the Self-titled...

fair enough. There really are some good songs on it, btu fuck rod suks.

disclaimer: drunk, can't spell.
Friend of minie went to Impulse Music, our semi local spot for cool cds...
He had heard the owners playing DWOT, and he was floored. When I went there a couple days later, DWOT was out of stock, but they did have The Damnation Game, which is where I started from. Got caught up REAL quick!

I got them in this order:

The Odyssey
Twilight In Olympus
The Damnation Game

Can you believe I wasn't gonna get V at all, because I read a review somewhere saying it was Power-metal!!! Just goes to show you can't always go by reviews, cos V is probably the most Progressive of all of them, and is now my favourite!!!
I got them in this order:

The Odyssey
Twilight In Olympus
The Damnation Game

Can you believe I wasn't gonna get V at all, because I read a review somewhere saying it was Power-metal!!! Just goes to show you can't always go by reviews, cos V is probably the most Progressive of all of them, and is now my favourite!!!

V is my fave, but interestingly enough, i'm pretty adverse to prog in general. I don't know why V is my album, but it is.
Well, a friend of mine sent me the intro to INFERNO, and the song AWAKENINGS... I isntantly fell in love with metal, and music in general from this point. I downloaded everything I could get my hands on, I than purchased all of their albums... Everything and anything symphony x I be specific!

The Odyssey
V: The New Mythology Suite
Live: On the edge of forever
Divine Wings of Tragedy
Damnation Game
Twilight in Olympus
Self Titled
Michael Romeo: Dark Chapter
Michael Pinnella: Enter By The 12th Gate
Russell Allen: Atomic Soul
Russell Allen & Jorn Lande: The Battle
Symphony X Mouse Pad
Symphony X GIGANTOUR Odyssey T-Shirt
Symphony X V T-Shirt (with band members pics on back)
Symphony X Bumper Sticker
Symphony X Knit Cap (FTW)
Symphony X COTM Fan Club T-Shirt
Autographed Photo of band...
And well I am a member of this forum as well as a proud member of the CoTm Fan club...

To say the least I started where most of their fans started, by downloading their music. Its weird, since the thing the band hates the most is how we all came to love them lol! Freaking Ironic eh?