how did you guys get into kalmah?

well for me, me and one of my friends are always trading and sampling each others' cds so i found out about kalmah while i was looking through his cd case and came across two of cds that were by Kalmah (Swamplord & They will return) and then listened to both and took them both home and burned them, because they sounded awesome. to some degree Kalmah better than Arch Enemy.
well i was listening to a metal channel on my music choice select or whereever the hell it was on my tv, and dance of the water came up, i think that was in 99, well picked up swamplord, and theyve been my favorite band ever since
My brother recommended Kalmah for me saying that Swamplord is his favorite album of all-time - not just Kalmah... because each and every song in it is amazing. So I gave it a shot... It was amazing! To this day, it is still my favorite album of all-time. :D

- I know, very touching story :p
Friends in school talked about a really good band which sounded very much Cob... :/ So I downloaded a song(oops) and it was Hades. Did not like it first but then after listening it for awhile I realized how great and amazing it was. Nothing like cob! And then i founded Swamplord in a divari for 6€ or something and then I got all the other albums.
i saw that some CD called "They Will Return" was coming out in a few months, and then i check out some of the stuff off of Swamplord and i loved everything so then i was hooked.

p.s. goddamn old thread.......
Hmm... I was certain that I had already answered in this one but I couldn't find it here. So sorry, if I keep repeating myself. :)
I found the band through my dear friend who "got involved" with these adorable and ultimately skilled musicians. It was The Night of august in Jalometalli-festival in Oulu where they were playing year 2004. I met the guys, fell in love with the music during the gig and it has been blast ever since... :)
Now I have seen 7 gigs and I hope to see some more... Guys are getting better every time.
I dont remember if I posted and Im to lazy to

I was randomly downloading songs from Century Media, to see if I could find some new bands I liked, downloaded Heroes To Us, and loved it, so I bought that cd, and then their others.
Some polls about the best album of 2006 were conducted on a few forums i visit and The Black Waltz was in the top 10 in nearly every one.
Friends in school talked about a really good band which sounded very much Cob... :/ So I downloaded a song(oops) and it was Hades. Did not like it first but then after listening it for awhile I realized how great and amazing it was. Nothing like cob! And then i founded Swamplord in a divari for 6€ or something and then I got all the other albums.

Almost the same thing but I didn't buy any album until TBW came out.
It's a friend who talked to me about Kalmah. We were doing so nothing that he started a song of Kalmah on his computer. I liked it. And after, he said to me that every songs are good. "You're lying" I said. He put all the song in a random playlist. It was amazing.
I clicked one of the links at some website because I was really curious about how Kalmah sounded and it played Heroes to Us which is an amazing song
In my case it was a forum I was a member of. One guy had a piece of a lyric in his signature and the band was Ancestor. So I looked it up, read the biography and finished downloading one of Kalmah songs (Withering Away?? no idea where from). It got lost on my hd and when I was doing some tiding I found it and started downloading the two first albums to find out what it was really like. When the download finished some time later I wondered why I decided to download them at all.
Some time passed and I was doing some tiding again and I was wondering what the hell this is doing on my computer. I put it on, turned a kind of a stupid online game and listened to the music at the same time. It just got inside my mind. Now, if I don't listen to it for a while I'm gettin depressed. And I'm very true about it. It's the only band that makes me feel that my poor earthly existance has sense.

I actually play the MMORPG World of Warcraft. I first ran into Kalmah by ways of watching some videos other players have made. The first song i ever heard was Hollow Heart, once i heard it I immediately fastforwarded to the credits to find out what band it was. I then proceeded to look for samples of other songs and that lead to me buying the albums, I was hooked :).
Heard them on my old satellite's metal station, before they changed over to XM, was hooked, and now I think I've found every good Melo D band out there lol, if there is anyone you know that I don't have *check my soulseek folder im usually in death metal channel** that would be awesome :)
i found out a bout kalmah in a really strange way. i always posted on a few sites and some guy messaged me and we started talking death metal he was hard to understand because he was from south america and didnt know english well. he asked me if i knew of kalmah and i said no i swear it must been 2 seconds later he was sending me hades. i heard it and thought it was ok but kept listening to it and realized how solid this was compared to children of bodom, it seemed so natural unlike bodoms cheesy parts and cheese keyboard. i never talked to the guy again, he just randomly sent me a message and told me about what came to be my favorite band. who knows, if he ever messaged me again i would tell him thanks!!
I was reading a review for Children of Bodom - Hate Crew Deathroll on Blabbermouth, and someone commented on their albums of the year from that particular genre (they listed CoB, Kalmah, Skyfire and Norther). I took note of the band names and came upon a review for Swampsong on the same site, which had a link to an mp3 of 'Heroes to Us'. I promptly downloaded and listened, and bought They Will Return soon after.
Oh Kalmah, lol check out Mors Principium Est for some wicked solo's if thats all your into "Melodic Death".

MPE = the best solo's in the Melodic Death genre imho. Jarkko Kokko is the man.