how did you guys get into kalmah?

my friend linked me to the vid of "the Groan of Wind". I was just like "DAMN THESE GUYS ARE AMAZING!" I downloaded the song, and then when got an amazong gift card from my uncle for christmas, I went out and bought the album. I have never found a better album since.
hi guys i am from turkey. i saw first kalmah in a heavy metal magazine that is named zor (hard in english) it is talking about Kalmah's new album Black Waltz and intoducing Kalmah as a melodic finnish death metal band and also comparing with children of bodom. then i listened up the songs of kalmah and i flatly think that kalmah is better than c.o.b million times . but it is not my purpose that compering kalmah with any other bands. kalmah is an awesome band
uh i was on music site. and i just clicked on em and i loved em the first time i heard em. not many bands like that. those are the ones i tend to listen to also. i dont like having to train myself to like music, its supposed to be natural.
I had been reading some reviews about them online and thought they sounded like my cup of tea. I took a chance and bought Swampsong, and I was hooked as soon as the opening chords of Heroes To Us came pounding in. What a great lead in to a phenomenal album. Kalmah rocks their asses off, no doubt about it :rock:
hei , i'm new, so i want to say hallo to all of you.
Of course my love for finnish melodic death metal got me into Kalmah music. They sound great and i hope to see 'em on stage one day
it's very strange..
one day i had a blank cd with myself and asked one friend:give me any cd you've got in your school-bag!
he opened it and gave me "They will return"
when i got home(after i first coppied it without listening)
i played it and got shocked because for the first time i heared that kind of vocals..
after 2 times running the cd i got hipnotised by it's music and still i am amazed with them!!
i simply love their work!!!
I heard Kill the Idealist on the radio one night, when I was awake around 4:00 AM and thought it was the most amazing thing I'd ever heard. Not a far-fetched statement in the least, considering that Disturbed and Rob Zombie were the two heaviest bands I knew about at the time. Fortunately, I was able to catch the name of the song, so I emailed the DJ from the radio station to ask what band wrote it, and I bought the CD as soon as he replied. It's still one of my favorite CDs out of the 250+ that I own (not counting downloaded music), and definitely THE most influential CD I've ever heard, since it introduced me to a whole new world of music. Seriously, Kalmah pretty much saved me from a life of only listening to shitty music.
Was browsing amazon and by a fluke came across kalma's swamlord...i just needed to hear evil in you and well got all of there albums,i sure do dig the BRUTALITY on that record,but alot of melody to, Heritance of Berija, Alteration...swampsong is probably there best..but i think 1st place goes to swamplord for me,its just got the EDGE! you can hear it \m/\m/\m/