How do you keep track of your collection?

Yes. A couple of times.

My biggest gripe is that you cant buy or sell omgracismmusicwtf on there. I get it, but not really. But its the day and age of SJWs and virtue signaling so whateves
Yes. A couple of times.

My biggest gripe is that you cant buy or sell omgracismmusicwtf on there. I get it, but not really. But its the day and age of SJWs and virtue signaling so whateves
i noticed a while back that has also started doing this thing where they don't outright memory-hole bands from existence but they remove all the photos, logos, album art, comments etc from the profiles

again, i get why, they don't want to host a picture of an ak-47 swastika, but it gets so stupid because some guy who really knows nothing about anything gets to arbitrarily decide who's a big bad racist and who's apparently not -- usually the criteria is if you're influential enough and have sold enough records it literally does not matter what you think or what you've done
Yeah, I encountered that when I was looking into Svolder (an anti-Islamic BM band). They are banned from sale on Discogs. I think that was the first time I noticed that. I'm not surprised since there is so much cowardice when it comes to criticism of Islam, but it does reveal their hypocrisy since nothing anti-Christian is ever banned no matter how heinous it might be.
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So is Discogs the best place to sell CDs these days then? I haven't sold a CD for probably 10 years. I no longer buy CDs or listen to the ones I've got, so I'm going to trim my collection down to about 100/150 and have these as keepsakes, and get rid of the rest of the crap.
So is Discogs the best place to sell CDs these days then? I haven't sold a CD for probably 10 years. I no longer buy CDs or listen to the ones I've got, so I'm going to trim my collection down to about 100/150 and have these as keepsakes, and get rid of the rest of the crap.

Maybe post your list here first, some people including yours truly are weirdly committed to STUFFING MORE USELESS PLASTIC into their homes instead of streamlining their collection.

And yes discogs is a good place to sell crap, it's reasonably user-friendly and the visit rate is high so it's guaranteed that people will peek at your store from time to time.
I, too, will almost certainly buy some of your rejected plastic bits and flood my personal realm with more shit that I don't need.
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I don't keep track of mine. I've got bagfuls and spools of loose CDs, a decent number still in their cases, and one box of vinyl. It's like rummaging through an old family album or boxes of family photos. Never know what gem you're going to pull out next. Fun, actually! :P