how important are lyrics for you?

how important are lyrics?

  • Lyrics? What are they?

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • I enjoy music first, sometimes I also give a look to lyrics

    Votes: 15 38.5%
  • Lyrics are as much important as music

    Votes: 23 59.0%

  • Total voters


Jan 14, 2002
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Are you one of those who listens exclusively to music without caring for the lyrics, or do you give importance to the lyrics as well?
Lyrics are just as important as the rest of the music without doubt. It all goes together and builds, I just couldnt imagine being into all the music i am without the lyrical content that they contain. Without them the message would be lost.
I contributed to an argument going on at the Opeth forum, and I said that the lyrics make little difference to me. Oddly enough, my favorite band being Katatonia did not cross my mind when I said this. Maybe it's different for KAtatonia for me because I can actually understand what Jonas is saying most of the time, but his lyrics are definitely very important to me, and I can hardly imagine the band without them. But when I truly think about it, it is the music that comes first in the majority of cases for me. I don't usually spend too much time with other bands looking at what the lyrics are.
I can't pick one of those answers because it very much depends. With a lot of Death and Black metal bands I can't hear what they're saying and no doubt I wouldn't want to. Some bands are not as musically inventive or intense (not intense in a brutal way, more technical) and they let things flow more which makes the vocals come to the front better, Katatonia for instance use fairly simple structures, lead melodies, riff etc... and that forces more emphasis on the vocalist and what he's saying. I listen to some power metal and whilst the lyrics are generally fantastic trash they often fit with the feel of the music so it doesn't really matter.

There are a few bands where I've come to expect meaningful lyrics, in the main though it depends what a band plays, for me.
It depends...I bought the Bloodbath full-length today and I fucking LOVE it - thy lyrics are totally ridiculous, but they were never ment to be deep and I don't care in this case. It's a totally different thing with Katatonia. Jonas writes the BEST lyrics I ever read. They are not as complex, poetic or deep as the lyrics of dozens of other bands I know, but what makes them so great for me is that a lot of them could've been written by myself - in the sense that they fit things that happen or happened to me to 100%. Sometimes I can indentify with Katatonia's lyrics so much that it's almost scary.
It's mostly very important for me, but sometimes (Like in the Bloodbath case) I don't mind the lyrics, but just enjoy the music. The lyrics should ALWAYS fit the music though, and therefore you can say that the lyrics are 100% important...depends though...
and I also is totally disappointed when the lyrics aren't printed in a booklet......
Lyrics are generally very important to me, although I do give some exeptances for certain styles of music. Ridiculosly satanic lyrics just add to the entertainment value of black metal, so I quite like that. The "decapitate, eviscerate, mutilate, ejaculate" Cannibal Corpse style of lyrics does nothing but annoy me however, although Bloodbath write lyrics like this with a high entertainment value due to the humour, and the very convincing way Mikael puts it.

Most dissapointing album without lyrics: Death's Design :cry:
I agree with what most of the people said here.
I think that the quality of a band is due 50% to the music and 50% to lyrics.
Yet I must admit that I listen to a lot of bands without caring for the lyrics, because usually the first thing I do is listening to music and then if I really like the music I check out the lyrics as well.
I still have some cd's with unread booklets....but I need some time to concentrate and read the lyrics separately.
Booklets without lyrics piss me off:mad: Since English is not my mothertongue it takes a lot of effort to understand what the singer is singing (especially with growls). I agree with Ormir: Death Design without lyrics...a big disappointment!

Bloodbath...It seems that I still have to wait a few days...
I needed an option between 2 and 3. :D

I like a good lyric, but a lot of my favourite songs are instrumental.
Most of the time, the lyrics are crucial. But then again, there are bands like Immortal, with which the lyrics are just hilarious and convey no true message (as in theme, although there are some sort of stories -- complete with an utter disrespect towards English grammar). And, of course, there are bands like Ildjarn, Sort Vokter & Fleurety, who don't even publish their lyrics, and therefore make it rather impossible to take them into account (since the bands I mentioned offer harsh black metal rasps that are basically impossible to decipher without help).
To me the music is the most important thing as far as liking a band, but the lyrics can enhance the experience. I find that I can like a band with crappy lyrics, but can't really get into a band with good lyrics and really crappy music. It's just the way it works for me. If a band has good lyrics though, I find it makes me like them even more so. It's more of a perk than anything for me.
I went with option 1, lyrics have zero importance to me. I hardly ever read through a lyric sheet, and if I do it's usually on the train on the way home from the cd store, just to fill in time, and without having heard the music (ie not much attention is being paid to what is written). I don't even know the words to most of my favourite songs.
Originally posted by aDmin
Most of the time, the lyrics are crucial. But then again, there are bands like Immortal, with which the lyrics are just hilarious and convey no true message (as in theme, although there are some sort of stories -- complete with an utter disrespect towards English grammar). And, of course, there are bands like Ildjarn, Sort Vokter & Fleurety, who don't even publish their lyrics, and therefore make it rather impossible to take them into account (since the bands I mentioned offer harsh black metal rasps that are basically impossible to decipher without help).

I can understand why you, and others would claim lyrical styles such as Immortal's, but you have to remember that some of these bands, Immortal being one of them I'm thinking (maybe not) are very serious. If they're serious, chances are, that's either what they want to be taken as, or how they already perceive others as taking them. If this is the case, then laughing at them would be like laughing at your local skinhead group doing a public hate campaign.

On another note, I personally think of vocals as being nothing but another instrument when it comes to music you desribe. If it's impossible to discern what the vocalist is screaming and/or growling, and they don't publish the lyrics, chances are they see it my way as well. Vocals, for me are the coolest instrument because there is so much you can do with it. I sometimes think of a death metal growl (a truly deep one) as a really cool additional bass.
what you should be asking is:

How important is the music?

You see thats what katatonia are, musicians, and lycrics are music as soons as they are put into a song.

Are katatonia good with the lyrics?

My honest answer is that they are not brilliant. Being a big fan you may wonder why i say this. Lyrics are very difficult to create, it's easy to write any old thing but to put them into a song and to have them correctly capture your heart is not easy. Katatonia try very hard with there lyrics and sometime it gets through, like in Teargas. However not all the songs I know touch enough and usually I find most people complain about the lyrics. Now I quite like them myself, but being a musician and songwriter I respect lycrics but I know Jonas is capable if so much more, i believe a lack in self confidence (after seeing the band and speaking to Lisa at peaceville, their record label of course) and it is this that lets them down.

If katatonia got their self confidence sorted out more maybe it would shine thorugh, as it is they are a very good band live as well as recorded, however Terrorizor has only ever given them 9/10, the 10/10 will come when they get their confidence.
That's a good thread. Well, for me it's difficult. In general the music is more important, but I realized that I need fitting lyrics to a song to really get a shiver from listening.