How is everyone's training going?

I'm "starting over" because I need some structure in my life. Doing this program minus all the supplements and probably with less cardio because fuck cardio. Lower Body A today and I can barely walk.
In my last year in the Marines I was kind of OFP in my one-man billet, and that allowed me to use the gym during "work" hours a lot. Well well well guess who else uses the gym then? All the brass and administrative/important sncos. Fuckin perks of the rank, get a sparsely populated gym and killing time.

Got a stomach bug last week. Fucked my routine all up.
I busted out my old gloves, they seem to help. They have those wrist wraps on them too so they're really nice for bench and stuff like power cleans.
Training is going pretty well I guess. I'm not making strength gains because I'm afraid to eat more and gain weight. It's pretty gay.
Back in the gym! AW FUCK YEAH.

Not doing anything crazy right now. Rest-pause type training, no ballistic Crossfit for the time being while my back heals up.
I officially dropped a pant size last week. Back down to 32 waist (ass). Now to just get these loose.

Working out with 210 on the bench this week. Took me a while to fully recover my weight position from the 24 hr stomach bug I had a couple weeks ago.
Back in the gym! AW FUCK YEAH.

Not doing anything crazy right now. Rest-pause type training, no ballistic Crossfit for the time being while my back heals up.

It's such a good feeling getting back into it, I had to take about 5 days off because I tweaked my shitty shoulder again.

I couldn't do any more weight on the t-bar yesterday because would just lift off the ground /flex

225+bar and I didn't feel like fucking with a barbell on top of it so I guess I should just do reps now
Put a DB on the other end. 25lb is plenty to hold it down. I used to do it all the time back when I did t-bars.

Hit 225x16 on the bench today, then five mini-sets of 3 right after. Felt pretty rad.
Put a DB on the other end. 25lb is plenty to hold it down. I used to do it all the time back when I did t-bars.

Hit 225x16 on the bench today, then five mini-sets of 3 right after. Felt pretty rad.

It's kind of in an awkward spot because this gym has that metal plate in the corner made for tbar etc..i'll see next back day though.

Anyone else have the problem with their arms going numb during squats? It used to just be my left which I blamed on my ex-shitty dislocated shoulder and maybe pinching something, but my right did it today and not sure what I would be doing wrong, looking at videos and whatnot trying to see if it's on the wrong spot on my shoulders but seems good
Finally eating more, lifts are improving again, weight is...the same. Hah. Decided to do upper and lower yesterday and am pleasantly sore everywhere today. Saw that stupid Billy Blanks guy who told me I was using too much weight on the lat pulldown machine a couple months ago and secretly wished he'd drop the barbell on his head doing skullcrushers but he didn't.