How is everyone's training going?

I stopped using gloves some time ago because I kept forgetting to bring them with me, but I'm going to be investing in some soon too.
Tried glute bridges holding a 45 lb plate yesterday. It was really awkward and strained my back - but using a barbell or dumbbells or kettlebells seems like it would probably break my hips.
Mathiäs;10589986 said:
I stopped using gloves some time ago because I kept forgetting to bring them with me, but I'm going to be investing in some soon too.

Ditch the gloves, man. They fuck up your grip in all possible senses. I don't even have straps any more except in cases of lifts where they're really needed (snatches sometimes, shrugs).

So on the Crossfit Football train for a while now. I just feel better when I'm XFitting. 5-6 day a week schedule, lots of METCONs/strength/sprinting.

What AMAZED me was that, after not doing any heavy deadlifting for a few months, I pulled 425 beltless on Saturday. Not a great weight, but better than I expected.
Have developed snapping hip or some bullshit from squats and leg press, goddamnit. How do I even fix this? Just sit with my legs wide open toes pointed out all the time?

I'm a wuss and a weakling and am proud of myself for deadlifting 145, my grip shits out from sweaty palms at that point. Need to find some chalk.

Don't know what a good goal would be, I currently weigh 123 but am trying to cut down to <120 for festival/summer.
So maybe some of you who have been lifting longer could give me some advice; what's your policy on recovery days? I have been switching between swimming and lifting just about every day (probably taking an average of one day off per week) for the past few months. I'm not sure if I'm over-doing it and possibly not giving myself enough recovery time. Is my current routine overworking my muscles by going for a long swim the day after lifting or are the motions different enough that it shouldn't matter?

I'm contemplating switching to a three day cycle of swim-lift-recover.
I usually give myself two or three off days and do cardio on those days. Since you're swimming I'd say your overdoing it a little because swimming is fucking hard.
Fuckin golfers elbow taking forever to fully heal. Stuck on the bike sucks.

Tell me about it. My tennis elbow isn't improving at all. My physio recommended acupuncture as the next step. Anyone here tried this? I thought it was bullshit but hey, I'm just about willing to try anything at this point.
Acupuncture is more legit than chiropractors. Try it!

I hurt my shoulder/back (dunno what exactly) turning while sitting on the toilet to put a magazine away. Fucking DUMB. I hiked a mountain covered in snowy rocks without poles and didn't hurt myself doing that yesterday.

My attempt to cut and drop body fat via a very small caloric deficit failed miserably and I have been inhaling carbs like a monster. I guess I'm destined to be sort of fluffy and at my current weight. Not worth ruining my eating habits over.
Elbow still hurt.

Yeah drastic cutting is too painful and not a long term strategy for success anyway. Slight deficit and heavy load to protein and good fat vs cutting and binging is better. Also of course maintaining the workout regimen. Pounds are irrelevant anyway. Its about body composition.
It wasn't even drastic. I eat on average probably 2000-2300 calories a day and I tried to cut at like, 1800. Plenty of women GAIN weight eating 1800 a day. Recomp is the goal but that means bulk calories on workout days and deficit on off days, which is the opposite of how my natural hunger patterns go - I never want to eat on lifting days but I'm starving the next.

I've had SRS binge/restrict problems in the past so I'll just settle for being fluffier than I want if it means I can feel like a sane human about eating food. IT'S NOT FAIR wahawahwah

Hope your elbow feels better soon!