How is everyone's training going?

So maybe some of you who have been lifting longer could give me some advice; what's your policy on recovery days? I have been switching between swimming and lifting just about every day (probably taking an average of one day off per week) for the past few months. I'm not sure if I'm over-doing it and possibly not giving myself enough recovery time. Is my current routine overworking my muscles by going for a long swim the day after lifting or are the motions different enough that it shouldn't matter?

I'm contemplating switching to a three day cycle of swim-lift-recover.

Honestly your body will tell you if you need a break..unless you want to be super safe, but since you are doing a lightweight cardio workout like swimming on lifting days, i'm guessing you aren't bulking, so you can probably stay at it longer..unless you're doing a Michael Phelps diet and gaining weight I would say whenever you're tired or just feel run down..I usually go 6 days in a row(at least) and take one off, but every joint in my body cracks now and it's kind of ridiculous.
Mathiäs;10611749 said:
I usually give myself two or three off days and do cardio on those days. Since you're swimming I'd say your overdoing it a little because swimming is fucking hard.

Yeah that's kinda what I was thinking. I was really sore last week and my performance in both areas regressed. Gonna mess around with a different regiment.

Honestly your body will tell you if you need a break..unless you want to be super safe, but since you are doing a lightweight cardio workout like swimming on lifting days, i'm guessing you aren't bulking, so you can probably stay at it longer..unless you're doing a Michael Phelps diet and gaining weight I would say whenever you're tired or just feel run down.. I usually go 6 days in a row(at least) and take one off, but every joint in my body cracks now and it's kind of ridiculous.

Yeah I felt great until about two weeks ago. I also bike several miles most days. Maybe I just hit a wall. I assume you're cycling through different body parts during those six days, right?
Yeah, double tapping some days, but I have figured out that i'm old and my shoulder is getting terrible, so I might have to stop training heavy..but I would recommend a 3 day rotation, 4 days for me and I seem to lose mass over time.
So it turns out Crossfit Football is the shit. One part strength training, on part explosive/speed training. Absolute blast all around.
After about two months of careful training and whatnot I'm back up to full speed nearly. Hit a few sets of 5 with 275 on squats, full depth and no belt, so I'm in a good mood.
I just started working out again this week after a couple months of being too busy with school to do so. I can definitely tell that I haven't been lifting- I'm incredibly sore and can't lift as much as I was. Hopefully next week I'll be in better shape.
It's not too hard to get strength back if you lost it being inactive. Muscle memory is pretty excellent.
Yeah I'm hoping that will be the case. I didn't lose weight or anything, it should just be a matter of getting back in the flow of things.
So it turns out Crossfit Football is the shit. One part strength training, on part explosive/speed training. Absolute blast all around.

These crossfit gyms are going to have random shit laying around for random workouts of the day.

I hit 105's flat bench dumbbells after a depressing two weeks where I thought my shoulder has gone to hell, still haven't had a shoulder workout in a month but i'm getting excited that I could be on a path to success here
Still have what feels like sciatic nerve pain. It's been a week and still hurts when I try to bend over. I really hope I didn't fuck up my back in any serious way.
^I'd go to the doctor. My back was misaligned with my pelvis or something, and I keep fucking it up. Physical therapy has been helping but hasn't been fixing it completely.
Still have what feels like sciatic nerve pain. It's been a week and still hurts when I try to bend over. I really hope I didn't fuck up my back in any serious way.

You'll definitely want to get that looked at. Sounds like either a serious misalignment or a disc issue.
Worked on my olympic lifts today. Bunch of sets of snatches with 165 for 2. Form is slooowwwwlllly getting there.

Finished off with a circuit of shouldering a 160lb keg five times then running 50 yards with it, six rounds.
Stopped going to the gym altogether. Got way too lazy and busy at the same time, and lost a lot of the progress I was making, especially in my arms. And lost way too much weight. :/ But I'm now doing yoga, which is fucking awesome and I like it a lot better. There's this awesome 30 day challenge for $30, which I must do in the beginning of June.
You do leg curls? squats?

I've been doing front squats with light weight (<55 lbs) and split squats with really light weight. Also still been running cause I don't understand the concept of "low impact" or "resting."

I pulled something about a week and a half ago doing deadlifts, my hands got sweaty and I kind of jerked my back trying not to drop the bar. FAAAAAIL