I was in relatively good shape a few months ago. I walked everywhere (no car) didn't eat much (no money), but ever since I was forced to move back home, there's nothing within walking distance, my mom cooks ALL the time so there's always food. Plus I have more food cravings since I quit smoking and was on some medication that made me gain weight for a while.
My sex drive is what I'm most concerned about, though. I have basically no experience and my body shape is making me feel like a pussy.
How long ago did you quit smoking? Honestly I would focus on getting over that addiction before worrying too much about diet and exercise. If you try and change everything at once you'll overwhelm yourself. And smoking is so fucking awful you really want to put all your energy into quitting that first.
That said, you always add a little exercise into your routine. Since you don't have a car, a bike could be a worthwhile investment.
I'm not in shape at all. I would love to have a six pack but have a keg instead. Any tips on how to actually give a damn enough to get in shape?
Other than the smoke I had with my friend two nights ago, I haven't had a cigarette since May. But recently I've started Klonopin, which makes me feel great. I'm now talking to girls and getting back in contact with my old friends and family. Only thing that sucks is the withdrawals will be terrible and I feel like it'll make me want to start smoking again.
The good thing is though my mom doesn't mind me smoking weed like she does with cigarettes. So once I get a job I'm probably just gonna start smoking regularly again. As long as I don't get as lazy as I did when I was at school, heh.
Right now my life is kinda crazy and I have to get a bunch of stuff sorted out (like, you know, A JOB) before I can even think about getting buff. This site is keeping me sane.
Kinda forgot about this thread. I started eating eggs for breakfast most days instead of cereal, and I've noticed a definite improvement in my lifts.