How is your local music scene?


Jun 4, 2009
New Braunfels, Texas
I live in New Braunfels which is right smack dab in the middle between San Antonio and Austin, Texas (about 30 minutes north of San Antonio and 30 minutes south of Austin). The two are very prominent in the Metal music scene. It seems like San Antonio is mainly where all of the "core" bands reside (mostly deathcore) and Austin is where more of the straight up balls-out metal bands come from (Think Slayer mixed with Shinedown [best way I can describe it]). There is a sweet little venue here in New Braunfels that holds about 250 people and it seems like this place is where the bands from both cities clash. I.E. The Metal bands hate playing with the core bands and vice versa and there have been a few fights breaking out.

So my question to you- How is your local music scene? Has it turned out many great bands? Whats it like?
pretty good, i guess.
i live in a rather rural area in southern germany.
there are LOADS of underground bands, and some of them are really good. most of them are playing some sorts of death metal or grindcore. not a whole lot of melodic stuff...a pity if you ask me.
compared to similar areas in this part of the country our scene is really good.
the only thing that sucks is that there are hardly any shows of better known bands, you got to drive at least an hour to see your favorite international bands, often even more.
Pretty awful in general, but there's a small group of people who are re-living what pink floyd and progressive/experimental bands of the 60's and 70's did.
Take some acid, play some really free, original music straight from the heart.

So for every 8 bands who have got kids ranging from 16-30 pretending they're slayer or megadeth, you've got one band making some weird ass experimental shit, but the fact that there's at least one or two weird bands doing shit that's totally new and original is inspiring, 'cos after all, there could be none.

I was walking down the high street during a local festival this summer, stoned out of my mind, feeling paranoid as shit, felt like all eyes were on me, one of my few rare bad experiences with cannabis, and I heard what was most likely a 2-piece band jamming in some flat across the road.
Big, sludged out funk beats and a huge, massively distorted bass drone, and for a moment I felt like everything was right with the world. Makes up for all the megadeth fanboy bands completely.
Meh. Houston got the leftovers of both cities. A lot of nu-thrash and shitty core bands trying to get famous.
London, we get a FUCK-TON of bands playing here.
US and EU bands play here without a doubt unless they are doing a 1 off festival or summat.

But the "scene", I dunno, I've never been a part of it. Literally none of my friends like metal, and it's been that way since I was 9.
There aren't whole bunch of good bands in London though, only a couple I can think of.......
There's a ton of good bands from my area (Quebec province)...Big bands like Martyr, Cryptopsy, Unexpect, Neuraxis, Augury, The Agonist, etc... There is a ton of small bands too, I'd say 50% suck, 40% are good, and 10% are awesome.
While the entire province of Québec has its fuckload of great metal bands (usually death metal), the scene near Saint-Jérôme where I live seems to be getting on its feet (mostly deathcore).
My town is mostly rooted in punk music, so there's lots of that (uh, i'm even playing a gig with a punk band as their guitarist bailed on them) + some metal and metalcore, but you can find a band from every genre.

People here aren't delusional that they can form a crabcore band and be on mtv and a world tour 3 months later, so they mostly play what they really like.

I wish there was more metal/experimental stuff like progma-c from Gdansk(Danzig) or Tides from Nebula.
It's up and down around here. Show attendance is low. The far-east bay is douched with crab-core copy cats left and right. Sadly these are the highest drawing shows out there. Retro-Thrash is huge, which isn't the worst thing, but not original in the slightest and not many do it well, but there are a few. And the worst to me, is the West Coast wannabe blackmetal douches, that play straight "artsy blackmetal" and try and be all elitist and shit. SF gets some good shows/tours still.
upon a burning body is the cream of the crop?
what about that band that posted their ep up? Iniquitous? They're San Antonio and they fucking rule.
Coverbands run rampant where I live. We have one bar that I do sound at that is more original music and metal geared. Crappy punk & hardcore bands do very well there too. Doing sound there kinda sucks. People and their fuckin attitudes. Many people think they are rockstars.
Theres a few original bands doing good stuff in my area though.

Modern rock is pretty much all the coverbands play around here. Crap by buck cherry, nickelback, theory of a deadman...and other shitty radio rock. Most people where I live just wanna hear the same stuff on the radio when they see a live band. Its pretty fucking sad.
Right now it is shit. But we did have If Hope Dies a few years ago. I remember (8-9 years ago) going to see bands like Bury Your Dead and Unearth in a venue that held 80 people. We crammed 150 people in. :lol:

Oh and all (except like 2 I think) of the Manowar guys live here.

As far as the locals, yeah it all sucks. A bunch of Attack Attack wanna be shit.