How Long Is Yours?

I'm losing all mine, so tangles are far and between. I still think I'm going Devy just to scare the children.

As for philiac, are you the curly haired stoner looking fellow?
I think this is the longest my hair ever got


But now its much shorter. I'll get some pics of Halloween when I was Mitch Hedberg ;)
I feels odd that I know your guys' faces and have watched them grow up from toddlers to fully-maned-metal-maniacs.

I feel either special to have witnessed this transition, or disgusted that I've wasted so much time on the internet over the last four years.

either or, lets go get wasted.
At the time I was playing football and my pony tail crept out of my helmet. Fucker on the other team grabbed it and screwed my neck up badly (it's still screwed up a bit). I had to sit out two games, but I cut it and finished the season. Of course I quit after that season as I pretty much despised all the other football players and I just never felt the urge to grow my hair back.