How many albums you dislike can a band release & have you still care about a new CD?


Jan 10, 2002
Madison, WI
I find it interesting when people pay attention to and comment on new albums from bands that have not released an album enjoyable to that person in many years. Queensryche, Dream Theater, Nevermore, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest... it happens not infrequently in the progpower world.

It also happens elsewhere. I just saw a thread bitching about the forthcoming In Flames album. Really? Whoracle was released in 1997, people. If you are a fan solely of melodic death, why in the hell are you still paying attention to In Flames?

On a totally unrelated and much more reasonable note, I recently heard a new Sepultura song, and it sounds nothing like Beneath the Remains and Arise! What the fuck?! That is total crap. I cannot wait until their next album comes out so I can bitch about their lack of classic thrash sound some more!
One. If the following album is a return to form, I'll stick with them; if it isn't, then I'll drop them, or approach future releases very warily.
That's not an exact science for me. It depends on a number of things:

1. It depends on the band and how much of a fan I was previously.
2. It depends just how bad the newer or previous album was. For example, if it's all bad or if it's mostly bad with a couple of decent to good tracks on it.
3. It depends on what the type of change is. Is it just bad songs or is it a whole sound they're changing?
Hope springs eternal for a band that was once great.

It depends on the band and how bad the album is. If an album is a turd-sandwitch, I certainly won't buy any future releases blind. Thankfully there are a number of good sources to listen to most bands, especially if they are established and have a long history.

Good examples of bands that I will always consider include Queen, Queensryche and Dream Theater. When Queen released Hot Space, I was extremely shocked and disappointed. Gone was the innocent youthful (and blind) fan worship for Queen and any band. A couple of years later the Radio Ga Ga single only dug the hole deeper. But along the way and especially towards the end with Freddie, they made some decent albums and few really excellent songs.

With Queensryche, Hear in The Now Frontier was a major change for them and a true turd of an album. But I for one really enjoyed American Soldier and the tour that followed. Unfortunately, they went right back to crap with the next tour. But I will always give their new material a chance ...even if its less than 5 minutes.

As for Dream Theater, I pretty much like all their albums except FII. And that album could have been good if the label hadn't interfered (listen the original demos). I also take issue with 6DoIT. But even that album had some classic material, especially the second disc. To me, DT were and are one of the early and best examples of progressive metal. Sorry guys but Fates Warning did and does very little for me. Heaven knows I've tried with FW.
For me it is once they start to release albums I never go back to listen to. Bands like Primal Fear, Battlelore, Leaves Eyes, and many others have become so stale and uninspired that I dont need to get anythings else by them unless word of mouth is so good and I hear some good songs then I would maybe get something new. I have no problem with bands keeping the same sound...for example....Helloween, Grave Digger, and bands that have been around forever. I continue to get thier stuff because with each release they can still write good catchy songs. Where a band like Primal Fear seems they have lost the skill to write catchy songs. They are talented and a solid act but nothing wants to make me go out and buy thier latest CD. With so many other bands out there bands need to really put more effort into thier newest CD's.
Not a rule, but typically if they can't put anything good after 2 albums, I kind of leave them behind.

That's more or less how it works for me.

For example, I was less-than-impressed with Nightwish's Dark Passion Play. I kind of like it, but it lacks a certain something for me. I'll buy Imaginarium, but if it leaves me less than impressed the way DPP did, it means I'll likely be done with Nightwish.
Because its so difficult to preview albums.... err... I'll listen to whatever from a band I've ever liked in the past. Though, with some of those bands if after one album I don't like I'll often wait till I see some reviews of it before deciding if I want to check it out.
That's more or less how it works for me.

For example, I was less-than-impressed with Nightwish's Dark Passion Play. I kind of like it, but it lacks a certain something for me. I'll buy Imaginarium, but if it leaves me less than impressed the way DPP did, it means I'll likely be done with Nightwish.

Are you sure you're just not a Tarja fangirl? Dark Passion Play is as good as anything else in the Nightwish catalog imo. I can't wait for Imaginarium to come out!

Are you sure you aren't just a Nightwish fanboy? DPP would have been amongst their best if they had a better singer.*

*By better I mean somebody that I prefer more.
Are you sure you're just not a Tarja fangirl? Dark Passion Play is as good as anything else in the Nightwish catalog imo. I can't wait for Imaginarium to come out!


:lol: You beat me to it, Brian. I actually think DPP is quite solid and I'm a huge Tarja fan. I will continue to buy their albums as I have confidence they always will put out great albums, but live I doubt I'll ever see them again unless they get a new singer because imo Annette sucks live.
Explain to me how me stating I'm not a fan of current Nightwish automatically makes me a Tarja fangirl.

Well, I wouldn't say that necessarily makes you a Tarja fangirl as much as just the singer change might be the reason you don't like the album. Annette and Tarja's styles are VERY different, so I can see anyone who was a fan of previous Nightwish not liking the new one due to that. Now if it's the music you just don't like, then that's a different story. To me, musically, it isn't that different from previous Nightwish.
Yeah, as others have said, it'd mostly dependent upon a combination of how much I like the band, and just how BAD the albums are. There's a huge difference between "Wow, that's bad, what the hell happened?", and "Meh, not bad, but I've heard this before", or "Eh, it has its moments". There aren't TOO many bands I have once liked that I now have no interested whatsoever in. Queensryche is naturally the biggest one.
:lol: You beat me to it, Brian. I actually think DPP is quite solid and I'm a huge Tarja fan. I will continue to buy their albums as I have confidence they always will put out great albums, but live I doubt I'll ever see them again unless they get a new singer because imo Annette sucks live.

this makes no like her on disc but not live? I dont see why people say they must be a Tarja fan if you dont like the last disc. I thought it was dull, uninspired, and lacking in quality. It seems like it is Nightwish covering Nightwish with missing its heart. I am not a Tarja fanboy but I think Nightwish post Tarja is not interesting because they sound like every other female fronted band inspired by Nightwish now.

Not to turn this into a Tarja vs Anette thread. I think that another issue with not continuing getting a bands disc is when major line up changes happen and it effects the quality and song quality. When it sounds like a complete different really need to change band names.
this makes no like her on disc but not live? I dont see why people say they must be a Tarja fan if you dont like the last disc. I thought it was dull, uninspired, and lacking in quality. It seems like it is Nightwish covering Nightwish with missing its heart. I am not a Tarja fanboy but I think Nightwish post Tarja is not interesting because they sound like every other female fronted band inspired by Nightwish now.

To clarify, while her voice isn't as interesting as Tarja's, I still enjoy her voice on disc. However, I feel she butchers songs both from the back catalog and DPP badly live. And I do mostly agree with your last statement. They lost their uniqueness with her departure.

Okay, we need to reer this ship back on track. :lol:
Okay, instead of a band with different singers (because apparently not liking the band now CLEARLY makes you a fangirl of the previous singer) I'll use another example: If Edguy's new album is along the same lines as their last album, I'll probably give up on Edguy. I kind of liked Rocket Ride, but I haven't even listened to Tinnitus Sanctus since it came out. I just wasn't impressed. I'll enjoy all the earlier Edguy stuff, but I'll probably stop buying albums if I don't care for the new one.

So I guess that, as a general rule, it takes about two albums for me. If say, a band I AM a fangirl of starts to change, it might take me longer. I'm still quite happy with HammerFall and Falconer's output, so I might cling to my support of those bands longer than bands I really like, but am not rabidly in love with if they change their sound.
....The only reason I like the v 2.0 of Nightwish is because of Tarja being out. On the last Tarja/Nightwish cd. I started liking her because to me, she sang a little different, then she was gone... I get tired of the operatic vocals 100% of the time. The new Nighthwish is a-ok to me.

Back on topic, I also would need a couple of real stinkers in a row before I'd bail. Other than QR, JP, and DT, I can't think of any other bands that would fall into that catagory.....
If Edguy's new album is along the same lines as their last album, I'll probably give up on Edguy. I kind of liked Rocket Ride, but I haven't even listened to Tinnitus Sanctus since it came out. I just wasn't impressed. I'll enjoy all the earlier Edguy stuff, but I'll probably stop buying albums if I don't care for the new one.

I'm with you on Edguy. I hated that last one, but I will give them a chance with this next one. If it doesn't impress me I'll either give up or have to seek out songs online before purchasing it.
I'll use another example: If Edguy's new album is along the same lines as their last album, I'll probably give up on Edguy. I kind of liked Rocket Ride, but I haven't even listened to Tinnitus Sanctus since it came out. I just wasn't impressed.

The trouble with this line of reasoning (not picking on you - I do it too) is that when a band modifies their sound the new album might not grab you right off the bat. A perfect example is In This Moment. I loved their last album, The Dream, so when the new one came out I picked it up immediately and I HATED it. Way too much screaming. I put it on the shelf with no intention of ever taking it off. When it was announced that they were coming to town I decided to give it one more chance and, while I still prefer The Dream, I found that the new one really grew on me and that there were a lot of really good songs on it. Interesting side note - I talked to the band after the show and even they agree that The Dream is a much better album. The guitarist told me that nobody hates screaming more than Maria, but it's what sells and it's what is expected of In This Moment. I thought it was an interestingly candid comment.

I can think of several other examples of albums I "rediscovered" later and now love that I wrote off when they were released because it wasn't what I was expecting or wanting from the band. TNT - Intuition. Savatage - Gutter Ballet. Heavenly - Carpe Diem. Badlands - Voodoo Highway. Dream Theater - several discs. The list goes on and on.