How many of you bought Character...

I have listen to DD perhaps 10 times since Character... and to Character a 1000 DD, haven and Skydancer I listen very rarely or just to a few songs. TMI, Projector, TG and Character are the ones I listen every week
I think Character is much better than Damage Done. I feel like this album was a step back in time to some of their more melodic stuff.
Nitronium Blood said:
... and after listening concluded that this is nothing but Damage Done II?


-wildfyr: Bragger :yuk: .

Well I have my "Lost to Apathy EP" and a poster signed :Spin: .
I did and although DD and Character are very much alike, I wouldn't say that the latter is DD II. I'd say that they are 75% the same.
UndoControl said:
You didn't read the second half of Nitro's post, did you?
Although I get your point, I wasn't clear, I should have just said "85% of us bought it, but dunno about DD II... that's a bit dumb... would be an ace sequel though... but no you suck.... It's got less swooping guitar melodies and refrainish moments and more constant dagadagadagadaga".
King Chaos said:
When I tried to picture your facial expression when you make that noise, I came up with this :
