How many of you record/mix bands with actual talent?


Apr 29, 2008
Just wondering cause it seems that I only get to work with a band that I actually like and/or actually has talent a couple of times a year, if that. Right now is not one of those times and it makes it really hard to get the mix to come together.

How many here get to do it on a regular basis? And I'm not really talking technique here, I'm talking songwriting and such.
I've seemed to luck out this year. Out of the roughly 35 bands i've worked with so far this year, only about 5 or 6 of those were bands that i really disliked. I'd say about 10 or 15 of those were very good bands.
The rest were good at what they do, but nothing new.
I've seemed to luck out this year. Out of the roughly 35 bands i've worked with so far this year, only about 5 or 6 of those were bands that i really disliked. I'd say about 10 or 15 of those were very good bands.
The rest were good at what they do, but nothing new.

do you find that the good bands are easier to mix? I feel like when the song is great, it's just about exaggerating on it... but when the song sucks, you spend a lot of time trying to make it more interesting.
it happens.....but not exactly frequently. i've recorded one band that didn't track drums to click, yet he was amazingly tight...then the gtr player came in and essentially recorded each song in like 10 minutes. left guitar, done, right guitar, done. bingo. only a few punch ins needed. i swear, i sat there with a big retarded grin on my face. i just wished every band was this well prepared....

and about good band = good mix: totally true imho. it's starts right at the source. if the drummer is a pussy who hits the shells like a wimp but beats the fuck out of the cymbals, there's really only one sensible solution - unfortunately these same guys seem to be extremely opposed to drum samples.....noo, i want my drums to sound natural.....better start practicing, boy.
same thing with guitars. if the guitar player just barely touches the strings, plays some wimpy ass 11-56 strings on B standard things will never sound as heavy as if a good one had played guitars. what's even worse than the pussy is the constantly out of tune but doesn't notice kinda guy. like, guitar is tuned well, and properly intonated (you obviously need to take care of that yourself, never trust a guitar player!), tape's rolling (figuratively speaking :D ) and shit's constantly ringing out of start scratching your head trying to figure out what the fuck is wrong, while hendrix jr. bitches about how you're constantly deleting GREAT takes....those we're flawless man! wtf! it's around that time that you start looking at the guitarists fingers, and notice that all hope is gone. fucker is constantly bending strings out of tune, even when fingering powerchords. oh jesus don't get me started on these fucktards.....

bassists, same thing, some of them play it just like the guitar. constantly palm muting along with the chugs. i mean, it's cool as an effect, but how are you gonna get any weight to the low end if he's a) constantly palm muting and b) hitting like a pussy on top of that? fortunately bassists tend to be too stupid to play mister wise guy, so they do as you tell the best of their abilites.

i actually enjoy tracking vocals most.....i'm doing a lot of death/thrash/melodic death/grind kinda stuff, so it's pretty much cookie monster city. with vocals there's not much room to fuck up, it's all about getting them into the right mood. if they're using the wrong technique all they're going to do is scream their lungs out and ruin their vocal cords....not my problem, i got my good takes by then hehe.

sorry for the rant...i guess the point is: shit in = shit out.

now, the real question is: how many of the professional guys still encounter these kinda "musicians"??? thinking about the pro tools backlash thread right now....
Yeah, I'm very lucky in that regard. Even the guys that lack talent make up for it with enthusiasm most of the time. There is a bustling metal and rock scene here in Melbourne, it's just that nobody is hearing these guys :)
I record a bunch of younger bands who swing on Joey Sturgis's dick. It sucks, nobody wants to sound different. Chug Chug wee bree breakdown end, cut it! CRAP.

I've had 2 bands that were more up my ally that I recorded earlier this year that was much more enjoyable to work on. They were quite a bit more open minded about things as well.
I record a bunch of younger bands who swing on Joey Sturgis's dick. It sucks, nobody wants to sound different. Chug Chug wee bree breakdown end, cut it! CRAP.

I can't tell how often someone asked me "Do you know Joey Sturgis? Can you make us sound like his stuff?". My answer:" Joey who?"
I'd say every 4th band has some talent, every 10th is really good.
surprisingly 90% of the talented bands are not coming from Germany.

I can't tell how often someone asked me "Do you know Joey Sturgis? Can you make us sound like his stuff?". My answer:" Joey who?"

I guess I'm lucky then, most of my clients ask me to leave some life in the music and to not edit it to death.
Well, on every 10 bands i record, there's one talented musician lol Seriously, rock bands here suck, metal bands here are even worse, and brazilian music bands don't care about the music, they only want to know if it will sell, so they end up recording like men's hairy ass - not good at all.

For sure good band = good mix. I am mixing a band that I am clueless on what to do. They all suck, except the singer. The bass is a honky piece of fuck, the guitar is mostly out of tune (a $150 guitar. The band didnt want to use my guitars, didn't 'have time' to send their guitars to a tech to intonate and the guitarists would bend the fuck out of the strings when playing regular power chords), and for the last week, I've been stuck on two songs, both of them sucking hard. It will end up sounding like crap, unlike the things that I usually do right.
I'm pretty lucky these days in that 95% of the time I can choose who I work with. That took roughly 20-25 years and quite a few million bucks worth of debt....Thankfully Melbourne has thousands of bands making records, playing locally, touring nationally and internationally so there's plenty to go around.