How many of you record/mix bands with actual talent?

I long for the day a well prepared, well rehearsed band comes to me and asks me to record them.

I've worked with some great musicians, but they were really, really close minded to ideas, plus, all they wanted was low end and no clarity. Shame.

Funnily enough, the best band I've recorded is my own. Actually ended up with the best mix/production I've ever done too.
As long as you converted at least a few of those into profit, then it's all good?

Yeah, though my concept of profit is less about cash and more about the other benefits of this gig these days. Unless it all comes crashing down of course. Then it's about the cash again!

Back to the topic at hand though. It's possible, even when recording the most goddawful pile of steaming turd, to learn stuff. And learning stuff is fun. Or at least it should be. It can also stop you from slitting your wrists or punching out the drummer. It can get you through those impossibly frustrating sessions.

Unfortunately it feels like the the recording industry is reaping what it sowed these days....Ah fuck it, I was about to launch into a rant. Self edit....bed.
The only time iv gotten good results from any recording iv ever done was when I recorded myself. Usually I had guys come in for one day wanting to get 5 songs down in one day. I made mistakes of letting them chose which takes they thought were ok, thinking that I was still getting cash at the end of the day. However it totally fucked up any type of portfolio I should have had. Everything iv recorded sounds like ass cause the musicians iv worked with sounded like ass.

Plus iv never had a drummer who played with a click. Drummers in Ireland just never seem to be able to fucking do it. This gives you an idea of the pain iv felt, then again I never went around quantizing there drums so thats one less headache.

Now I moved countries, i have no place or gear to record. booerns.