How much are we talking here??


Nov 8, 2003
Hey guys, i'm pretty new to the forum, my name is Matt.

I was wondering if any of you close to the business might be able to venture a guess on what Children of Bodom's annual income looks like? I was reading an article saying Ville Valo from H.I.M. earned 270,000 EUR in 2004.

Are Children of Bodom playing to pay their bills or do they live a pretty comfortable lifestyle in terms of money?

They make enough to cover expenses of living. I don't think they are living in mansions and driving around ferrari's though.
LedByTheReaper said:
Yeh, but tr00 artists dont go into music to make money, they go in to do it for the music.. with the exception of AYDY?

Man get a life. They needed new material so they made a new album. If you don't like it dont listen to it and stop talking shit.
Noble Viking said:
^ No you faggots, you have to realize that there are people that actually have a mind of their own and can not like the album if they feel like it.

No i dont give a shit if they hate the new album , but every thread is turning into a i hate aydy thread!
Holy fucking shit, PLEASE not that discussion again! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Some of us HATE the album (which is perfectly fine IMO, but quit beating that dead horse!), some love it (and get branded as "blind fanboys"), and some just think that while *not* a masterpiece, it's a decent album nontheless (like me for example;)).
There's enough AYDY threads on here, where you can continue discussing it as long as you please.
Love it, hate it, I don't care -just STOP turning every goddamn thread into an AYDY discussion. Mmmmkay?
Alright, so let's get back on topic: How rich are COB?
They're not extremely rich, but earning enough and doing fine.
Allu for example, lives in a regular apartment not a big-ass luxury home -but spends most of his money on his cars as it seems. Which is understandable -older American cars rule.:D
I was looking the tour dates in Europe tour and they will do a gig every day !!
This significates millions of dolars in tickets !!
It could be that they live in normal houses, but they have to be rich, i think.....
I would say they are comfortable as far as money goes. I'm sure they can afford a decent place to stay and pay the bills and have some money to throw about, but i seriously doubt they are rich.

If someone can find their total album sales to date that will probably get us a step closer to an answer.

Remember a band won't become "rich" until they are selling millions of albums. As far as I know the band get very little of the CD sale price.
do you think they all get the same amount of money?
or does alexi get some more..
This is an interesting article. Talks abouts arts and entertainment earners from Finland based on tax statistics. You know Tuomas from Nightwish earned over 150,000 EUR last year. That will probably change with this whole Tarja situation.

Anyone know the royalties income off albums sold? What percentage do bands generally earn?