How much does a new Cd cost in your country?

Here in Denmark a cd costs from 120 Kroner to 150 Kroner I think. I'm not sure, as I only buy records (unless it's only avaliable on cd), and it's mostly second hand old shit! 120 Kroner is around 16 Euro and 150 Kroner is around 20 Euro.
Where I buy second hand records the standard price is 20 Kroner, which is aprox. 2.70 Euro.
A new CD in a retail store costs anywhere from $12-$18 here. The metal specialty store I visit from time to time sells MOST of their discs for $14.99-$16.99, so still fairly pricey.

That's why I mailorder as much as possible from The End. At an average of $12/cd s/h INCLUDED, you can't beat that.
Shit! That was post #666 and I didn't even know it!


* mark goes in search of something evil to do *
In Israel, a new (full-price) CD costs around 17 Euros. Mid-price is about 13 Euros. Low-price is 8-9 Euros.

Metal usually falls in the first category.

I guess price is almost the same (and much higher than it should be) everywhere.

btw, do you tend to buy used CD's?
Average locally, usually about $13 at Rasputins, $18 at Tower Records.

Usually $5- $15 on ebay... though I had to replace a copy of Vio-Lence, Eternal Nightmare and it cost me $50. I think that's the most I ever spent on a CD...
I live in Germany and out in the German stores cds are about 15-20 Euro

Here on post (U.S. Army infantry base) its about 8-15 dollars for new cds. But the selection stuff. I am at an isolated base in the middle of no where but if I drive to Wurzburg and go to that base there is a huge selection and not a bad selection of metal cds for a mainstream store.