How Much You Bench?

What AAS were you on if you don't mind me asking? I was considering a Sustanon/Deca stack way back when, but decided to go with jaegarmeister instead.

Anyways, nice little article. 5 stars.
Work one body part once a week and hit it hard for maximum results. Don't fall into the 29 pump chump mentality of loading up a bar with 5 lbs on each side, and thinking 50 reps will make you as ripped as Brad Pitt in fight club. The vascularity all comes from cardio and diet. Diet is 90% of the key. Also be advised that you won't be able to bulk and stay lean at the same time. That is why all bodybuilders go through a two season training regimen, one for bulking and building muscle, then a cutting phase to shed the fat and keep as much muscle that they gained as possible. Personally I'm only good at th bulking, I love food, who doesn't?

So let me get this straight: eat basically as much as possible for several months until I start gaining weight whilst doing building exercises then once I'm thicker drop the weight by changing the diet and doing mostly cardio.

See, I'm skinny and I'd much rather have a thin or lean frame; not that of a 'body builder'. In fact, Tyler Durden's type frame would be what I'm aiming for.

Is the above the way to go for that?
The Foundation of Bodybuilding

If I had to come up with a ratio, bodybuilding is 80% diet/nutrition, 15% training, and 5% AAS, give or take...

So is there any stuff I should stay away from? Or is everything (fast food, beer, etc.) on the table (plate)?

Good article man, thanks.
Well, it really depends on what type of metabolism/body you Ectomorph, Endomorph, or Mesomorph. I would guess that you are an Ecto, therefore assuming that you can eat wtf ever you want and pretty not gain any weight. If that is the case, EVERYTHING is permitted. lol I would take it easy on the alcohol as that would cut gains down as it tends to dehydrate you.

PS - If you want that "Tyler Durden" body, you might as well just starve yourself and lean up because I bet you that Pitt was only about 140lbs in that movie.
10 years ago I woulda had all kinds of advice but now as an adult with severely damaged shoulder and knee joints and chronic lower back pain, I'll say this: consult a physician - preferrably a sports medicine doc. Then consult a nutritionist. I no longer lift weights so I don't think my opinion holds much water compared to say, Doomcifer, but I would steer very clear of books, internet articles, and anyone who is advising you on nutrition/supplements who does NOT have a degree in biopharmacology.

That said, the best way to get huge is to eat as much as humanly possible and lift the heaviest weights possible in the most compound movements possible, ie: bench, squat, deadlift. Forget everything else. If this doesnt work for you, you simply dont have the genetics to be huge. End of story.
That said, the best way to get huge is to eat as much as humanly possible and lift the heaviest weights possible in the most compound movements possible, ie: bench, squat, deadlift. Forget everything else. If this doesnt work for you, you simply dont have the genetics to be huge. End of story.

In a nutshell, bingo. Genetics plays an ENORMOUS role in the equation.
Word. I'd give it a shot and if you don't see results after a pre-determined time, then fuck it. Try something else. Like badminton. We all have to eventually succumb to our genetic code. Nothing to be ashamed of. My brother benches 505; I don't.
Well, it really depends on what type of metabolism/body you Ectomorph, Endomorph, or Mesomorph. I would guess that you are an Ecto, therefore assuming that you can eat wtf ever you want and pretty not gain any weight. If that is the case, EVERYTHING is permitted. lol I would take it easy on the alcohol as that would cut gains down as it tends to dehydrate you.

Yeah, I'm a total ectomorph. I eat and eat and never gain a pound. The alcohol thing is noted.

PS - If you want that "Tyler Durden" body, you might as well just starve yourself and lean up because I bet you that Pitt was only about 140lbs in that movie.

No kidding? I didn't think he looked THAT thin. I'm 160 lbs. (at 6'3") and I look WAY skinner than he does.
Word. I'd give it a shot and if you don't see results after a pre-determined time, then fuck it. Try something else. Like badminton. We all have to eventually succumb to our genetic code. Nothing to be ashamed of. My brother benches 505; I don't.

Oh, I don't think I'll ever be HUGE, even if I wanted to. But that's not what I'm looking for. I just want to be a bit more bulky. Like, i'm really skinny in the arms and leg department.

Case in point: me doing karoke:

Hey Furious B, fwiw I would say a lot of chicks would dig you the way you are. 'Skinny' is in and has been for several years. I don't think I've met many chicks who dig the Arnold type frame (but I suppose cheerleaders get that rep.)

A lot of guys bulk up thinking they're going to look good on the beach and all of a sudden MAGICALLY pull chicks but it's a fucking myth. Muscles do not equal Confidence!!

And now you're going to tell me how you're not doing it for chicks but you're doing it for yourself. Save it. If you have a penis, everything you do is for chicks. :tickled:

Good luck anyway. :rock:
PS - If you want that "Tyler Durden" body, you might as well just starve yourself and lean up because I bet you that Pitt was only about 140lbs in that movie.

Hell yes, I want that frame. But doesn't that contradict what's being said here -- meaning, he was pretty ripped so he obviously "pumped iron" so how could he have starved himself?

Is it possible to go on a weight loss diet AND build up/tone the muscles?
In a nutshell, bingo. Genetics plays an ENORMOUS role in the equation.

I remember having these discussions with you years ago...

Whomever is going on about benching, should seriously think of other ways to build muscle. The flat benchpress is the single most destructive weightlifting exercise. It tears up your shoulders, and, unless one has certain genetics (i.e. short arms, narrow shoulders), it has little benefit for the rest--tris, shoulders, chest. At the very least switch to dumbbell presses, or totally over to incline and decline presses and totally stop flat presses.

I used to be really into bodybuilding--well I still am--but I tore my rotator cuff pretty bad playing baseball this year (Ive been pitching my whole life), and can no longer lift anything above shoulder level, or press anything. I had always read about the dangers of bench presses, so I stopped the flat; I was up to 275lbs on the incline, and weighed 210 lbs too. My orthopedist told me reading my MRI, that I had significant damage from years of weightlifting and baseball, and that he tells everyone to stop bench presses and military presses, as they will always lead to injury. And shoulder surgery is almost as risky as back surgery. Sometimes it works, alot of the times it doesnt.
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^^ I didn't know about this speed. Man, i've been weightlifting for a few years, I hope I didn't screw myself over.
^^ I didn't know about this speed. Man, i've been weightlifting for a few years, I hope I didn't screw myself over.

Well I really tore it throwing a baseball, but it was apparently very damaged and weakened from repetitive use. Ive got bulging discs from football, busted up toes from baseball...anyway, its funny I guess the strictness and control of weightlifting prevents alot of injuries, whereas athletics leaves you a walking pile of injuries.

However, the incline and decline benches really hit the pecs much better than the flat bench. I've never seen anyone but powerlifters, casual lifters, and football players do the flat-bench.
I benched 250 like, once I think. The most I was ever really able to do any sort of reps with was around 175 (and I needed a spotter fo' sho'), but that was years back when I actually worked out regularly.

Now I just do 12 or 16-oz. curls, bitches.
No. Unless you're on gear and running a CKD diet.

Do you think Brad Pitt takes steroids then? I'm sure actors must use some supplements just to get that definition so quickly - remember how Ed Norton looked in American History X???? And in all his other films he looks like he weighs 140lb.
Do you think Brad Pitt takes steroids then? I'm sure actors must use some supplements just to get that definition so quickly - remember how Ed Norton looked in American History X???? And in all his other films he looks like he weighs 140lb.

I've read about these insane celeb diet/workout regiments that actors/actresses go through for roles. You would NOT believe what they do. But then again, I suppose if that was your "job," you'd do it too, right?