How old is every one?

21, but I apparently look young, even with short hair, dammit.

I got carded for the first time since I moved to Nova Scotia today, at a swiss chalet of all places. Bah.

Discovered Opeth in my 19th year... haven't looked back.
Originally posted by metalmancpa

Just had to respond to this, even though it's unrelated to this post: Is this your insides speaking? Really see no way out? I ask for personal reasons.

Its a line from one of my favorite bands, At the Gates. It reflects my age (22) and the fact that I sometimes feel caught between daring to be different and having conformity placed upon me. By no means am I consumed by hoplessness, but sometimes it can be quite a burden. that a skeletor logo?

BY THE POWERS OF GREYSKULL! *bad lightning sound effect goes here* hhehhe

my shoesize is 11. does that help you with my age at all?
I'm 17 ... just one month till I'm 18 though. Fortunately most ppl mistake me for 21 anyway, so the whole being able to buy alcohol and cigarette's thing won't be heaps of a novelty.

BTW 18 is the legal age in Australia.
hi everybody,
i´m reading here for a while now and it seems to be a real cool board. opethians all over the world. cool! :)

don´t kill yourself, i`ll turn 31 in august. IMO it´s a cool age, since we´ve gone through a bunch of metal-history allready. would´nt wanna miss a thing.

cheers to all opethians worldwide!
I'm 23:D

oh wait.... let me try that again.....

I'm 23:cry:

Here's a good question:

How old are the members of Opeth?

AS I recall, Akerfeltd is about 28-30 years old?