how painful


New Metal Member
May 23, 2001
Reading, England
Recently I managed to form my band plus we um.. played a few gigs whcih were nerve breaking. One thing that i need to point out is when I saw Katatonia play he sang with pure meaning. I was more worried if I could remember the next word, even though i sing them all the time.

My point. It's all very well talking about their music but one better to realise how much they mean it. It takes a lot to get to the stage that Katatonia are at but they are ready and now I realise I have a long way to go.
the only one available yet is on , but it was just a demo I did on my PC (not bad though) all I have of the band is some not very tight recordings done after a few practices. Now we have started to write stuff together alll sorts of ideas are coming out. What I will say though is one thing I really want to get out and that is everyone who has heard our music has liked it and for one real reason (apart from the fact that it's melodic), and thats because they know how much I mean it when I sing it.