How do you listen to katatonia?

hehe..caligo..and the music CALMS you..really?I don't know this feeling ..the music of Katatonia has never calmed me,maybe the releases of At The Gates and Bloodbath does(after a hour head-banging and jumping around it's difficult to have more vigour and the power for uncalmness)..The music of Katatonia washes me away into my inner abysm,but this is the last place ,where i can find calmness..
caligo, I didn't read everything you wrote, only the first part. But when you said "I agree with cerulean" you embarassed yourself and that post totally. Because I could see that your point in the post was that we should be open minded against people - and that's just what cerulean is not. Look around you in the thread, damnit. HE IS the one attacking and trying to make fun of people that have certain methods to listen to the music. He tries to act like the one that is too cool for these methods, but what he doesn't know is that he suffers musical stupidity, not being able to listen to music the concentrated way, recieve feelings with the music etc.
Varg- said:
caligo, I didn't read everything you wrote, only the first part. But when you said "I agree with cerulean" you embarassed yourself and that post totally. Because I could see that your point in the post was that we should be open minded against people - and that's just what cerulean is not. Look around you in the thread, damnit. HE IS the one attacking and trying to make fun of people that have certain methods to listen to the music. He tries to act like the one that is too cool for these methods, but what he doesn't know is that he suffers musical stupidity, not being able to listen to music the concentrated way, recieve feelings with the music etc.
LOL! I didn't attack anyone in here until you started behaving like a donkey on crack. I just made clear I DON'T NEED THESE CHEESY BOLLOCKS TO ENJOY MUSIC! I don't feel superior than you dork, actually you were accusing me of not being worthy of listening to Katatonia, and THAT'S an insult to ME. Not that I take you very seriously though so in fact I don't care. I'm not making fun of anyone, just let me enjoy my music the way I do, you have your opinion on that, that's okay to me, but please let me have my opinion on your way of listening. I don't like it, deal with it. I don't care you do it your way, and forums exist to give opinions, I gave my thoughts, so don't behave like a fucked up angry kid.
How about continuing this via PMs, Cer. saying he doesn't really care what Varg thinks and Varg replying he doesn't read C's pms, you could have fun with that for ages.
I have the right to defend myself publically when he's publically accusing me of some lies. (or things he likes to believe to be the truth)
For me the discussion ends here, and you always want me not to post stuff here, so I don't exactly understand why you keep involving ME in your posts, that's just asking for it. Don't even call my name here again, and you won't hear from me. Unless I can discuss stuff with other people.
Go cry some, I guess that makes you feel better since you have gotten accused public ;) Honestly, you've been acting like an asshole against those who have certain methods listening to katatonia. And you have done that on purpose, so don't come cry here about accusing... and I don't understand why you even read this thread, since the matter don't interest you at all?

Quotes by you:
"No cheesy candle or darkness bollocks for me."
"Cheer up, get a life"
"Just read what you've just written there. YOU're obviously the retard. Haha ace"
Oh the drama..."

So... will you stop play so inocent and just leave the thread be? Since it (again) doesn't interest you.
I won't read your posts at all from now on.... I hope dudes can keep up the nice discussions here.
Varg- said:
Go cry some, I guess that makes you feel better since you have gotten accused public ;) Honestly, you've been acting like an asshole against those who have certain methods listening to katatonia. And you have done that on purpose, so don't come cry here about accusing... and I don't understand why you even read this thread, since the matter don't interest you at all?

Quotes by you:
"No cheesy candle or darkness bollocks for me."
"Cheer up, get a life"
"Just read what you've just written there. YOU're obviously the retard. Haha ace"
Oh the drama..."

So... will you stop play so inocent and just leave the thread be? Since it (again) doesn't interest you.
I won't read your posts at all from now on.... I hope dudes can keep up the nice discussions here.
lol, I've noticed something funny about you, you always say you don't read my posts, but actually you reply on them, so somehow I fail to believe you :lol:
By the way, the first thing you quoted there was a general thought of mine, read this: IT WAS NOT A PERSONAL INSULT TOWARDS YOU. If you thought it was, well then this whole matter is one big fat nonsense. (it is anyway)
And that caused you to become a bit annoyed and you projected it onto me, that's where it went wrong cos I never intended to cause this. Your replies to me were personal, whereas my first post was general. I normally laugh at people who have pointless discussions like we do and others have the right to do the same here. But I can NOT accept you saying things that aren't true, so this discussion isn't over until you realise that I didn't get personal until you did. However, if you can't accept that, don't reply to this and that would end the discussion too. I said that in my previous post by the way and you didn't listen.
Oh and you'll never tell me whether I'm worthy to listen to Katatonia or not.
:lol: oh, guys, please! finito!!

to revert to the thread..
well, right now i'm really in the mood for TD.. listening to it..
methods? - i'm sick, have a dull pain in the head all the time, fever.. not really pathetic, kinda miserable though..
This is getting ridiculous, but what I tried to say, Varg, is that people find their own way of enjoying music. Cerulean has found his way, and has not not criticized YOUR way of listening to Katatonia, ergo, he IS open-minded. You, on the other hand, claimed Katatonia was not meant for people like him, ergo, you are NOT open-minded. Simple really.
Vera, nice! But you should take it easy with the vodka next time ;)
And by the way, get well soon! :p

caligo, thank you for analyzing our discussion..... but let me correct something here. I am the one who started this thread, because I'm interested in the way people listen to katatonia, and would like them to post. I wouldn't have started this thread if I wasn't open minded. You gotta understand that.
In the start of the thread, cerulean called the certain methods "bollocks" and there is proof of that in the beginning of the thread. I don't understand how you can call him the open minded one, but that stands for you.... :)
i dont want to get involved BUT.... i think you kind of started it all Varg, with this post... Cerulean was just calling candles and lights off a bit cheesy and bollocks like (in general) , it wasnt aimed at you.

then you said :

Varg- said:
Cerulean, okay, well that's too bad, because that means katatonia doesn't effect your feelings in the way they do for me.

I can't say anything but I'm sorry for you... you could work on it though.

and its just a bit paronising me thinks. condescending.. you know, anyway thats all. I do agree with him, your a bit serious.
Gah... if you wanna keep talking about this....
1. I start a thread about ways of listening to katatonia - because I'm interested.
2. I give an example; candles
3. Cerulean calls candled bollocks. - you can't say anything but that's an offence.
4. I gave an ironic post against ceruleans offence.
5. Cerulean started to cry and the thread was messed up.
6. Ceruleans guitarpro-friends started to attack the thread and me as well...

And I don't know how many times I have said like "cut this shit, I just want an ordinary, calm thread".