How do you listen to katatonia?

Varg- said:
Cerulean, okay, well that's too bad, because that means katatonia doesn't effect your feelings in the way they do for me.

I prefer not to listen to music while people are around. Ofcourse on busses etc. but not in class. Nothing is allowed to disturb me when I'm listening to music, then it's all fucked up. Me and music are that tight...
Listening all the time, not being concentrated and in the classroom etc. is NO feeling...
I can't say anything but I'm sorry for you... you could work on it though.
Cheer up, get a life and that, don't take it all so serious.
Cerulean, hey! listen at some mp3s? listen at some music you havn't bought? Download some? Listen to it all the time. Let's not be concentrated? Let's turn on some hiphop channel on the radio and you won't feel no differance?
Please.... ;)
I like listening to Katatonia at night when walking around in the cold when no-one's around. I sing at the top of my lungs. Otherwise, I listen to Katatonia in the train,peering out of the window, and when walking to school. I love listening to Katatonia at all times though - but those are the best.
Varg- said:
Cerulean, hey! listen at some mp3s? listen at some music you havn't bought? Download some? Listen to it all the time. Let's not be concentrated? Let's turn on some hiphop channel on the radio and you won't feel no differance?
Please.... ;)
Fucking stop this shit man! First of all, I have mp3 cd's for the bands I like the most, so I got an Anathema cd with all the albums, Katatonia with all the albums, My Dying Bride, etc etc... Of course I own the originals, but as I have an mp3 discman I take these mp3 cds with me all the time and I listen to them all the time when I'm not at home cos I'm very easily annoyed by kids on the bus for example, or even teachers. Don't tell me that I don't concentrate on the music, cos I do, I ignore all that's around me. I don't see what could be wrong with listening to your favourite bands all the time, but maybe I do have a life and you don't, and you got enough time to waste to "fully concentrate on your music and do nothing else".
"Cerulean, okay, well that's too bad, because that means katatonia doesn't effect your feelings in the way they do for me."

there he goes again... TRÅKIG STIL!!!11!

I'm totally with Cerulean on this one.
Cerulean, I didn't read your post. You're attitude does not fit this thread. This thread is dedicated for those who likes/loves the feeling of katatonia, and get affected by it...
It's not really that easy to talk about... especially when idiots like you come and call this "bollocks", so please stop writing in this thread. I actually hate ppl like you listening to katatonia... anyway, don't mess upp the thread anymore. I'll tell Jesse(admin) to watch over the thread...
thank you.
Lord_AgathoN said:
hah stereo.......dolby is the key. i cant stand two speakers anymore.....its just, i dont know its not the real deal. Music from all sides.....nothing beats a good equip.

I agree, I've got a 5.1 setup and I couldn't imagine going back to two speakers.
Varg- said:
Cerulean, hey! listen at some mp3s? listen at some music you havn't bought? Download some? Listen to it all the time. Let's not be concentrated? Let's turn on some hiphop channel on the radio and you won't feel no differance?
Please.... ;)

What. The. Fuck.
Cerulean, Grow up, sucker... go work some on your shitty growl or something instead of ruin my thread. Get beaten by your daddy or something?
To be honest, when listening to your constant crying, one is inclined to think that you are the result of these "faults" that you keep suggesting others have experienced.

Varg- said:
I actually hate ppl like you listening to katatonia...

Class act man. Somehow it's so hard to believe you're even true. I wish Katatonia made it on MTV already.
Finally, my joy in hearing meaningless brick chucking is back! But lets not go to Mr. Haff about it, this is great. Good shit guys, good shit. Please keep trying to berate each other with personnal attacks and childish banter, it keeps me alive :wave: What strong personalities you guys have :grin:
midgetwar said:
driving while listening to katatonia is good cause of the steady melodies but sometimes i get the strange urge to just drive off the the road or into oncoming traffic and...(-: j/k

i remember some strange story along with this. me and a friend of mine were returning home from an underground concert outside the city, at night and it began tho rain then.. we were listening to Brave Murder Day in the car. tough decision indeed, it was obvious this would take its effect. i permanently had the feeling everything around was assuming quite different outlines, they were simply vanishing actually. the feeling was like being in some strange kind of vacuum, while the rain was coming down in sheets - dark moving colours gasping for you, flashing lights making you sense an oddly numb dissonance.. at some moments i was just closing my eyes.. for a while. it was like becoming thoroughly insane and it was so intensive.
no, i wasn't the one to drive.
it's just a remembrance i thought i could share..
maybe someone here with a similar experience?