How to tune a snare?

It's definitely a fine line. But I think very low tunings for metal work quite well.

As far as the 'basketball' phenomenon in kicks goes... I have a nightmare trying to find the right balance of 'liveness' and muffling! Usually the more muffling I use, the more dead and carboard-like the kick sounds, and the less muffling, the more of that weird phasey, internal reflection sound you hear.

SPOT ON DUDE! I fucking... ABSOLUTELY fucking hate that dilemma! I've noticed it quite strongly, even back when I was a super noob in recording. I guess that's why everyone just replaces the kick, it's the easy way out of things :)

If any drum guru knows what to do about this dilemma, muting too much so it sounds crap, or muting too little so the basket ball sounds make it sound crap, it would be soooo appreciated.