HTML: What do you use to create content with?


Active Member
May 17, 2002
SF Bay Area
I mainly use good old notepad.exe, though I used to use a program called HTMLpad, which was a basic text editor with buttons to auto-insert tags.

I've also used Dreamweaver a few years back, though it was powerful, it was very cryptic to learn, so I gave up with it. :lol:

I also use Photoshop to edit and stuff like that. :loco:

What about you? :p
A combination of FrontPage and Notepad.

On the Linux side, I use KWrite and vim.
I used dreamweaver a couple years back to make some basic pages for my old UT clan's webbie, but web-publishing didn't do anything for me, so I didn't pursue it to more advanced levels.
Notetab. Basically Notepad, but with handy features like being able to open multiple files and generate HTML colour codes. I dun need anything fancy, just that basic notepad is a severe blag after using Notetab for two years, so I doubt i'll be going back to it.
Erik said:
Yeah, and you get code that is slow to load, looks like total shit and is incompatible with most browsers...
Actually Dreamweaver (the last verison I used was 2.0) is I think the only program that will accept your own HTML script and not reformat it to how IT wants. Frontpage and Pagemill are the worst in this regards.

The fact that you can edit in text AND WYSIWYG is cool, and the fact that it will do on the fly Javascript is cool too.
Dreamweaver is gradually getting better, afaik (I haven't used it) MX 2004 can be XHTML compliant, so there's a bonus.

Personally I hand code everything, as I work with PHP all of the time so it just makes things so much easier. I use Crimson Editor [link], which has syntax highlighting for loads of languages, the ability to open multiple files, integrated FTP (which I don't use as I host my own sites) and tons of other cool features.
Photoshop, Dreamweaver MX...Publisher believe it or not, for really simple pages I find it to be the damned easiest because I can throw a page up in a matter of moments and publish directly to FTP without having to create local roots and directories and all that...not that that's anything big, but you know. I'm also one of these types with web development that only knows what he's actually had to use to this point, so I'm not well rounded with all aspects of html code. Which is why I don't just type it up in notepad.
i do all mine by hand with notepad. as tedius as it is, i firmly believe i get the better product this way
Wandrail said:
Photoshop, Dreamweaver MX...Publisher believe it or not, for really simple pages I find it to be the damned easiest because I can throw a page up in a matter of moments and publish directly to FTP without having to create local roots and directories and all that...not that that's anything big, but you know. I'm also one of these types with web development that only knows what he's actually had to use to this point, so I'm not well rounded with all aspects of html code. Which is why I don't just type it up in notepad.

Mmmmmmmm, with Publisher you get standards compliancy!

Oh no, wait.