Humans and their love of violence

Gentlemen, this discussion is losing its relevancy a little.

Does anyone moderate around here?

Derek, I fear that if I moderated the way you call for, there would be no discussion at all occurring in the forum. Yes, the forum seems to be degenerating a bit, but better that people have a chance to discuss and learn than every thread be locked / deleted. At the end of the day, it is a sub forum of a metal board, and if it is not being put to the high quality of use (as you and I might consider it) that it once was, then that is disappointing - but closing every thread that doesn't stand up to the old standard would seem no way of bringing such standard back, to me.

However, if you want your old mod powers back, just say so.

These threads will never reach a satisfying conclusion or proceed to surpass an eventual threshold because everyone's too stuck to their own opinion and beliefs. I agree that eventually it just becomes a shouting match, but hopefully some newcomer or intelligent poster will highlight a new and interesting point.

I personally have considered the posts of this thread closely and thoughtfully; but I'm not prepared to resign my beliefs. I actually think that the past few posts between razoredge and I have been worthwhile.
Yes I agree some people just want to be all book philosophical only cloning the thoughts of their "piers" and use BIG words. Others such as myself like to express their own feelings and ways of comming to their own conclusions, unhampered by statis quo of proclaimed great thinkers or abstact theorists.

trapedinaconer - Not personal, Im sorry, actually you just matched my feelings. Thing is this topic started regarding watching gore flicks. I made statements regarding that there is a huge difference between going to the Collesuem to watch humans being mauled by Lions for shits and giggles to that of standing ones ground against violation. I know all about adreneline, wrestled for 6 yrs, took martial arts, downhill ski, water ski, dogsled, play loud music and worked hard physical labor my adult life because I get off on the rush and challenge.... at the same time I find no amusement in hurting any living thing or watching it be done. My whole point has been that there is a difference and that one is a sickness.

take your fight example, wouldnt you feel the asswipe that was giving you crap had some mental issues and you were simply standing your ground ? Wouldnt you consider that the difference between you and that person were day and night ? People that go out looking for fights have some underlying issue, people that beat the wife and kids have some underlying issue. This is how I feel about gore flicks and such. I hold no reservations on it, but then I have always found far better ways to entertain myself.
Yes I agree some people just want to be all book philosophical only cloning the thoughts of their "piers" and use BIG words. Others such as myself like to express their own feelings and ways of comming to their own conclusions, unhampered by statis quo of proclaimed great thinkers or abstact theorists.

trapedinaconer - Not personal, Im sorry, actually you just matched my feelings. Thing is this topic started regarding watching gore flicks. I made statements regarding that there is a huge difference between going to the Collesuem to watch humans being mauled by Lions for shits and giggles to that of standing ones ground against violation. I know all about adreneline, wrestled for 6 yrs, took martial arts, downhill ski, water ski, dogsled, play loud music and worked hard physical labor my adult life because I get off on the rush and challenge.... at the same time I find no amusement in hurting any living thing or watching it be done. My whole point has been that there is a difference and that one is a sickness.

take your fight example, wouldnt you feel the asswipe that was giving you crap had some mental issues and you were simply standing your ground ? Wouldnt you consider that the difference between you and that person were day and night ? People that go out looking for fights have some underlying issue, people that beat the wife and kids have some underlying issue. This is how I feel about gore flicks and such. I hold no reservations on it, but then I have always found far better ways to entertain myself.

Lol. Thats all I was trying to say. Misunderstandings happen. Its cool though. :)
Derek, I fear that if I moderated the way you call for, there would be no discussion at all occurring in the forum. Yes, the forum seems to be degenerating a bit, but better that people have a chance to discuss and learn than every thread be locked / deleted. At the end of the day, it is a sub forum of a metal board, and if it is not being put to the high quality of use (as you and I might consider it) that it once was, then that is disappointing - but closing every thread that doesn't stand up to the old standard would seem no way of bringing such standard back, to me.

However, if you want your old mod powers back, just say so.

No. I don't think I'd have the patience for it. It's not even that I have high philosophical standards (indeed, I intensely dislike academic philosophy) but this place is nowhere near as worthy as it used to be. Whether that was thanks to better moderation, I have no idea.
Did you miss the 6 months or so where there was barely any posting, let alone anything that needed moderating? or does that class as 'more worthy'? :)
I do recall it being quiet. The place required a fair bit of moderation even when it was garnering quality contributions. I flit in and out of here because of nostalgia mostly, but it's more than evident to me, and a few other old regulars I chat to, that the place is wish washy at best in terms of decent chatter.

The things is, I'm not even that harsh a judge when it comes to these things. I'm against over-intellectualism, dislike academic philosophy, as I already stated, and tend towards a liberal nature in forum moderation. I am however somewhat right wing and elitist in what I consider worth chatting about here. Most of what flies around now would be deleted if I was moderator once again.

This isn't a personal slight against you, and to be honest this really is only a minor chagrin.
Not taking it personally, was just interested in garnering a little more discussion than your 'where is the moderation' call that occasionally crops up ;)
If my role as moderator here was to simply delete every new thread occurring, I think I'd find it easier to just close the forum...
:rolleyes: like the last few posts for example ? or the call for moderation posts ? they seemed hardly necessary to me anyhow. I didnt even call for a moderater when I was continuously called a moron and other things as well as had my posts quoted to interpret as less than they were, by one poster, though I was surprised no one stepped up. I really dont know what it is you are sweating but I have no doubt is has everything to do with ME... :lol:
Yes, Americans love violence. Unfortunately, some of them also love violence towards innocents or women. EVERY day my friend talks about how he would kill a female if she cheated on him. I really think he would too. :ill:
Yes, Americans love violence. Unfortunately, some of them also love violence towards innocents or women. EVERY day my friend talks about how he would kill a female if she cheated on him. I really think he would too. :ill:

Bitch would deserve it.

:cool: Kidding.

So, is violence towards women and children given more precendence than violence towards "just men?"

And are we to believe that all women are "innocent?" :cool: