Humorous MP3 Tags

I use winamp with a combo of ID3 - Tag it for all my downloads. The Media Library is nice, and sometimes the search for files doesn't work well with WMP.
Most people refer to them as gothic metal which is the most suitable genre I can think of too. They did suddenly get a lot more popular (in the US atleast) after having appeared on Ozzfest, probably because of that and the popularity of Evansencensenense (who obviously borrowed more than a little bit of Lacuna Coil's sound and just made it more poppy).

For the record, I quite like Lacuna Coil. They are by no means a mindblowing or complex band but I enjoy them when I'm in the mood for something not too challenging and Lacuna Coil are pretty pleasant to the ears. Just don't get too many of their albums because it all pretty much sounds the same (though I have not heard the new one, nor do I plan to really).