Hurricane Frances


I shall now become one of the "Stormriders", "Riders of the Storm, of this Hurricane!

I am not going to any shelter for I need to stay home and guard my room and my house and my Metal collection. So I shall take my 2 Swords, grasp them in my hands and battle like there is no tomorrow (which there will be cuz PP is not going to escape from my sight!)

Bad News however.... OZzfest Last Day was canceled cuz of this bitch.... FUCK!!!!!!! I NEEDED TO SEE PRIEST!! :cry:

Other than that .... "CRIES".... as I was saying other than that ..... METAL FOREVER !!!!!!! :headbang: oh ... ps.... new Jon Oliva Stuff fucking owns!!!
savatage_dude said:

I shall now become one of the "Stormriders", "Riders of the Storm, of this Hurricane!

I am not going to any shelter for I need to stay home and guard my room and my house and my Metal collection. So I shall take my 2 Swords, grasp them in my hands and battle like there is no tomorrow (which there will be cuz PP is not going to escape from my sight!)

Bad News however.... OZzfest Last Day was canceled cuz of this bitch.... FUCK!!!!!!! I NEEDED TO SEE PRIEST!! :cry:

Other than that .... "CRIES".... as I was saying other than that ..... METAL FOREVER !!!!!!! :headbang: oh ... ps.... new Jon Oliva Stuff fucking owns!!!

Rock on METAL BROTHER! Up here in Georgia, if it comes here then i will join you in the sword battle.

The friend I'm meeting up with at PP lives in Tampa. I think they are not in much danger being on the western side of the state......but I still wish him the best. And all peeps living in Florida. This storm's effects will be made even worse by the storms of the past weeks....
I hope all my brothers in Florida stay safe, and I also wish you the best of luck with Frances... Hope to see you all in Atlanta in about two weeks!!!
Thanks for the prayers and wishes.....Goos luck and stay safe to all fellow Floridians...I am in South Daytona Beach and expext to get hit pretty hard so I will let all know the storm lays its nasty head on us. I too hope this does not effect my trip to PP in a couple of weeks....

I am a police officer here and will have to be right in the middle of it locally to make sure all the unnecessary people leave and to try and keep all the crack-heads from trying to break into peoples homes and businesses.

Stay safe and hopefully we will all have some beer and enjoy PP....

To Creeps...You,your father and family are in my prayers....We will ride to PP together after this b/c we both need a break and a beer.
... I hope everyone does well against Frances.

The news report pissed me off the other day. The state of Florida was 'debating' opening up all directions of Florida's highways and expressways to let people get out and away from Florida.

Debate? THERE'S NO DEBATING ABOUT IT! Get everyone the fuck outta there! "Emergency crews need to be able to go the other way..." they can drive on the shoulder! Last time I checked, they were all big tough diesel burning brutes with four wheel drive! they can cut across the grass no problem! Let the families get the hell outta there, man!!!

And I-75 is completely stopped at the northern border. Unbelievable.


Beat this storm, guys.
kellsco said:
The friend I'm meeting up with at PP lives in Tampa. I think they are not in much danger being on the western side of the state......but I still wish him the best. And all peeps living in Florida. This storm's effects will be made even worse by the storms of the past weeks....

Who might that be Kell? :p

I'll be sure to introduce you to the Whisper and his wife, good people from my section at the Bolts games.
dtfanatic said:
Who might that be Kell? :p

I'll be sure to introduce you to the Whisper and his wife, good people from my section at the Bolts games.
What's up J? Are you watching any of the World Cup games? Might be the last hockey we get for a while. We survived Frances problems.
Oh Kell, I'm glad you're going!!! I saw you were selling a ticket or a badge (can't remember which) & got nervous..

See you next week!! :D
TheWhisper said:
What's up J? Are you watching any of the World Cup games? Might be the last hockey we get for a while. We survived Frances problems.

Hey G!

Yeah I'm watching some of it, I missed the first USA/Russia game due to Ozzfest but saw some of the 3rd period of the 2nd contest. I've got my USA Hockey shirt on today ready for the game tonite against Finland.

Power was out for 9 hours last Sunday but that was the worst of it for me. Hopefully Ivan doesn't fuck up plans for next week.