Hypo & Dimmu gig

Aamulehti said that Hypo starts to play at 21.50... the others I can´t remember...for some ODD reason :D.
YES! I will see the gig TODAY, and my tummy is totally upset! :waah: too anxious...
Work is total torture especially now!

I try to have the time to get to a computer Saturday and tell you how it was.
And also remind you to bring me "Miss Woolly" :lol:
Tänäiltana törähtää (toivottavasti ei housuun). :grin:

Ihan jännittää miten ilta sujuu kun en ole käynyt Tampereen yöelämässä yli 3 vuoteen... Vaan onhan siellä "oppaita". ;)
Kyllä oli sen arvoista! Huhhuh. Mourning palacekin tuli.

Näinköhän mä väärin vai oliko henkilöitymä nimeltä FelisLeo siellä keikalla?

Keikan jälkeen mentiin Hellään, mahtibaari sekin, ei Helsingissä ole moista, Corneri ihan p-stä siihen verrattuna.
Yes. Those sweeeeet teenagers. Must love them all.
I bought 3 shirts. TS and LS from the black shirt and the only version they had from the white one.
Wish there would have been the HSW too. Must order it from Nuclear Blast then.
Horza said:
1) Hellä (that "metal" bar in Tampere) sucks ass.
So what's wrong with it in your opinion?
The prices are high and I don't know much local people, two negative things that I can think of. Helsinki metal bars suck ass because they are boring unless you are totally shitfaced. The only good thing about them is that there are always some friends to be found.
What's wrong? I can't think of a thing that's right there, except that occasionally they play even metal. Usually it's too crowded by dipshits, the music is more like pop/rock than metal and way too loud, the toilets have shit and vomit all over the place, that friggin' dance floor and those ugly, spastic cunts that are "dancing" in the cages & not enough seats concerning the size of the place.

Those popped into my mind in a second. I'll come up with a more detailed list later.
Last Friday they actually played metal all night long in HellÄ, as far as I can remember. :grin:

But yes, those "dancers" in the cages were really horrible. They had such small "hotpants" that you could actually see their pubic hair. :ill: