i am now officially sick of your opinions about the new album


danny cavanagh
Apr 30, 2002
Visit site
i cant help it but you lot are driving me mad.
sounds like placebo??????
trying to be somebody we are not??????
how the hell do you know who we are anyway??????

i give up.
pagan2002 said:
i cant help it but you lot are driving me mad.
sounds like placebo??????
trying to be somebody we are not??????
how the hell do you know who we are anyway??????
nah, the album sounds like anathema, definately. that's all.
ok sometimes certain songs sound like radiohead ("balance") or portishead (title track) but 'sound like' doesn't mean that IT IS like radiohead or portishead or placebo (don't see ANY ressemblance with placebo)

the album is great, and I recognize anathema style. and it's the most important thing.
ok lets see...

'the end of violence can fuck off like'

'sounds like they copy antimatter who copy portishead'

'closer is a good song, but not when done by anathema'

'there aren't even any guitars in "are you there" '

:yell: fuck o_O shit :ill: twat:hotjump: :Smug: bastard :erk: bollocks :loco: aaaargh :yell:

i know some of you understand music but it seems the ones who dont, have the biggest mouths!
That's the prob with reviews made within 1 or 2 weeks after the first few listens...I say let the music grow on you FFS! I like Air, I like Portishead, I like Radiohead, I like Antimatter and I like Anathema. It's all music FFS, I don't really care if it sounds like this or that, and besides, I hate it when bands always sound the same on every album like...listen to Manowar if ya want that kind of band. They pro'lly won't get inspiration on anyone but themselves. Why the fuck do we have 3, 4, or even ten threads where everyone seems to state the same stuff about the album again and again.

...just let it grow FFS...
i know. i'll have to stop listening to what people think. i am the only one in the band with his finger on the pulse of the punters like. i feel dejected by all this though. i'm off this forum for a while and might only sign in to make sure someone doesnt start writing really personal horrible posts. see you all later folks.
Well people do have their own opinions and what with this being a Anathema forum i guess they want to post. It's is a good thing that people here are not just saying something is brilliant because they want to engraciate themselves. However I can see how the manner in which people express their opinions can be annoying. :erk:
take it easy(ier) Danny, this "sounds like" term is not an accusing of copying those.. Imagine ppl who cannot talk about music with music terms, styles, (or cases when these are not applicable).. then how could they tell about a music to other ppl in detail? "It is very good" ?? - that doesnt tell anything.. the only things we can use when describing something new are the things we already know.. And if ppl have no proper words for your music, they cannot say it's "that" like "80's metal" "whatever" it means something good, it means you made something unspeakable.. something unspeakably good.
I think it is somewhat inevitable to get such reviews or opinion about the album; I mean each has his own taste and opinion, and imo it really shouldn't affect the band, since most of the faithfull fans are pleased with the new album. You yourself Danny said that "it would please the fans"...anyways I think it is a great piece of work, and anyways there's always the next one:)
pagan2002 said:
i know. i'll have to stop listening to what people think. i am the only one in the band with his finger on the pulse of the punters like. i feel dejected by all this though. i'm off this forum for a while and might only sign in to make sure someone doesnt start writing really personal horrible posts. see you all later folks.
Come on then...the world ain't over like...
Mmmmm a little bit of hostility i sence in the force :) Danny, relax, it doesn't help to get upset, you might get a heart attack, and then what? Then we won't have Anathema, and then that could just as well be the end of the world!! People have their opinions and if they are bad... well, i would say fuck 'em. Who cares, its their loss. People that go on about shit like that for me are just not open minded to new things.As Achernar said, If you sound that same, what is the point?
pagan2002 said:
sorry dudes i guess i got a bit upset. i dont have alot of confidence in me own songs and that...

You should... they're boss ! Call me a arselicker now you pricks. Fact is that AND is great and better than AFDTE. I'm not really keen on John's songs. Not all of them. Never been disapointed by a song written by Danny so far.
Opinions are like assholes, yeah ...
Danny, christ man, the music is great! I like 6 straight albums from the silent enigma onwards, a natural disaster is cool, I actually like every song on 6 albums. I can't say that about any other band, have more confidence in yerself! you write great stuff, just believe it it's true. It's not your fault we live in a country where you can't cross over from metal to mainstream music so easily. I hope there is a way you can overcome that problem cos there is no doubt the music is good enough for you to have the same fame as bands like coldplay and muse!!!
pagan2002 said:
sorry dudes i guess i got a bit upset. i dont have alot of confidence in me own songs and that...

still none after writing Angelica, Regret, Closer, One Last Goodbye AND THE FUCKING LOT!?!?

like, damn, do you actually know how many ppl cry their eyes out on music your head produced??

:erk: cmon Dan.