i am now officially sick of your opinions about the new album

Feanor IV said:
Because forums exist for people to talk. Duh.......:Smug:
yes, but it is not "NECESSARILY destined to judge the music and critisize it for the fun of it.(not that it is the case on this forum :))
PY said:
I meant it can sound sometimes like radiohead or portishead but it's not like anathema copying them.
hope it's clear :p i know that my english is crap :erk:
Come on, the lads arent that ignorant not to know what their own songs sound like. I doubt that the songs were written with the intent of copying these bands, but the end result is damn close and I dont get why you lot are pretending otherwise.
...I am deeply sorry if my words were taken(for once more :smug: ) wrong.No way did i mean that anybody is copying anybody!When i used terms like "it sounds like" i obviously tried to make ppl understand what im talking about damnit!I doubted if Danny had ever listened to AIR as he had never mentioned it,but because it sounded to me like that,i said it!whats wrong with that,can you tell me?

the *review*was pointing at the forum members,in the meaning of sharing humble opinions.

i am really sorry that i offended Danny,Mick or whoever(the Antimatter copying Portishead remark was explained in a next post and it was mostly written for fun!!!)

i have made more than 3 posts saying that beyond these fucking comments about the album,i do like it(see the rating) and i fully respect Anathema whatever they do,cos the artist must work mainly for his music and not for his music admirers(talking about honesty and the such).

For Fuck's Sake!!!why do some people seek the criticism and not take the intent into account?Danny you saw only some *harsher comments* i made and you did not read the good things i wrote.

Dont interpret things the way you want,just because you may dislike some people!

if i found the album shit and that id never bother to type any fucking review or bother at all.

i will remove what i fucking wrote anyway.

i wonder i just wonder if these posts were made by a person you didnt know a simple fan,how would you react???........

p.s i i considered Anathema or Antimatter as *copies* i would have never given my money to travel from Greece to wherever to see them live.I would have gone to see Portishead instead...

p.s. im sick and tired of becoming an issue every now and then.
Strangelight said:
Come on, the lads arent that ignorant not to know what their own songs sound like. I doubt that the songs were written with the intent of copying these bands, but the end result is damn close and I dont get why you lot are pretending otherwise.

Would you say this about "Lights Out" as well? (only for the Portishead part I guess).

And I don't know much about Portishead, so don't think I have any hidden point here.
Allan said:
Would you say this about "Lights Out" as well? (only for the Portishead part I guess).

And I don't know much about Portishead, so don't think I have any hidden point here.
And which part of Lights Out sounds remotely like Portishead? The only thing Ive done where Ive been aware of a Portishead similarity is the end of Angelic, but even then I was going for more of an Escape From New York kind of thing.
The end of Everything You Know Is Wrong was intentionally made to sound like vintage Pink Floyd tho and we wont pretend otherwise, nor do we expect people to go all sponky eyed and deny the obvious.
Well, as I said, I don't know Portishead, I was just wondering about the nature of the point you were making.

As for the Radioheadish sound of AND, yes, I hear the simularities, but not to a point that it bothers me or that I'd say it's in any way unoriginal. But then I've only heard it 7-8 times and I'm an amateur in this field.
Strangelight said:
Come on, the lads arent that ignorant not to know what their own songs sound like. I doubt that the songs were written with the intent of copying these bands, but the end result is damn close and I dont get why you lot are pretending otherwise.
yeah no doubt that certain songs were influenced by those bands, but you can't say it's a copy. for me a copy is useless, compared to the original. it's not the case here.
so ok, the keyboard sound in "balance" reminds the beginning of KID A, but the general mood is made by anathema. and i've never heard a radiohead song like this.
PY said:
yeah no doubt that certain songs were influenced by those bands, but you can't say it's a copy. for me a copy is useless, compared to the original. it's not the case here.
so ok, the keyboard sound in "balance" reminds the beginning of KID A, but the general mood is made by anathema. and i've never heard a radiohead song like this.
Im not saying its a copy. Im just saying those two songs have been performed in a way that is very close to Radiohead and Portishead, as people have pointed out and they're correct like. The thing thats bothering me is that people are trying their best to deny this when I doubt the band would feel the need to do that, or Danny at least.
Strangelight said:
Come on, the lads arent that ignorant not to know what their own songs sound like. I doubt that the songs were written with the intent of copying these bands, but the end result is damn close and I dont get why you lot are pretending otherwise.

if you dont like that album why dont you just fuck off to another forum instead!
mehdi.i.e.e.e said:
if you dont like that album why dont you just fuck off to another forum instead!

At the greatest risk of looking like a fool, let me just say that was in no way what I was saying, meaning, implying or whatever.