i am now officially sick of your opinions about the new album

I'd rather see an honest musical discussion rather than blinkered fanboyism. You can be honest about your favourite band like, I promise. Santa will still come with your Opeth pillowcase for Xmas :lol:

Seriously though, theres no need to pretend or defend things that dont even need defending. Its a good album like, made by humans not by religious idols or so. Two songs have turned out really close to the two bands mentioned, fair enough like. Blindly defending something is far far worse than slightly negative but honest criticism. Danny, on the other hand, you know by now that if you try something new it will often go over peoples heads. "Nooo, Closer just doesnt have the same meaning or emotions as Anyone Anywhere. It is not real Anathema" etc. if you wanna keep the emotional intellectuals happy then get Pybus to write all your lyrics from now on. Right, time for a shit :)

Ok, continue.....
Strangelight said:
Im not saying its a copy. Im just saying those two songs have been performed in a way that is very close to Radiohead and Portishead, as people have pointed out and they're correct like.
yeah you're totally right and I don't deny that for sure... but I think that some guys made allusions that anathema is now just a copy of those bands, and it must be irritating.
I was trying to say that anathema remains anathema : a very particular band in the world of music.
I understand the guys who don't like the new album, but don't take anathema to court for bad reasons.
pagan2002 said:
ok lets see...

'the end of violence can fuck off like'
thats mine. and i rather give an honest opinion. anyway it may sound a bit harsh, but i cant help it if i dont like it.
Strangelight said:
I'd rather see an honest musical discussion rather than blinkered fanboyism...
i'm honest when i say that i like the album, it's FAR better than the previous one, i used to like The Gathering, but since their present music is crap, i don't visit their board and talk shit about them... it's pointless!
Strangelight said:
Danny, on the other hand, you know by now that if you try something new it will often go over peoples heads. "Nooo, Closer just doesnt have the same meaning or emotions as Anyone Anywhere."
i don't get it. most opinions about "closer" that i've heard was more than good and flattering.

btw, leave poor pybus alone at last heheh
geez, the end of Violence is the best part of the album :D (something hard to pick, btw)
Strangelight said:
I'd rather see an honest musical discussion rather than blinkered fanboyism. You can be honest about your favourite band like, I promise. Santa will still come with your Opeth pillowcase for Xmas :lol:

Seriously though, theres no need to pretend or defend things that dont even need defending. Its a good album like, made by humans not by religious idols or so. Two songs have turned out really close to the two bands mentioned, fair enough like. Blindly defending something is far far worse than slightly negative but honest criticism.
do you talk about me ? :p come on, i'm not Blindly defending anathema... and i agree with you so...
The end of Everything You Know is Wrong was an homage to 70s progressive rock keyboard leads and I had Rick Wakeman in mind and also Yes's 'Tales From Topographic Oceans' album in mind when composing that section of music. I was specifically going for a 70s prog feel because thats been my music of choice for about a decade. So there was a definite decision to 'sound like something' there but more a genre than an actual band. It happened to sound like Pink Floyd once it was done. (EDIT - which we then played upon in the studio when Duncan added a Roger Waters-esque bassline. We'll stand up and admit this then became an intentional pull towards an existing style)
I also wanted to sound a bit like 80s electro on the first parts of 'In Stone', and 'The Last Laugh' on the later parts. 'The Art Of A Soft Landing' I made the guitar lead at the end harmonised to give a nod to the swarm of melodic doom bands from the decade past.

Theres loads of influences here and there, but I dont go out of my way to sound like a particular band and Ive NEVER referenced any of my music back to FUCKING PORTISHEAD. I know because Im the fucker who did it.

Can someone explain now the persistence of Portishead comparisons?
personally.i never persisted.i said a word and ppl magnified it.

mostly the female vocals and the drum machine are that can bring to mind Portishead stuff.Antimatter have much more in my opinion than Portishead ever had.

.wasnt it Danny tho who had once characterised Antimatter as "The satanic Portishead"?

i dont care about Portishead,i dont even like them.i have some albums and thats it.
"it reminds me" "it sounds like" "you are influenced by.." and "you copied them" have totally different meanings...
damn. so much frustration and misunderstanding and irony and cynisism and bitterness. i miss the good old days when we all talked bollox and had fun like. i'm gonna go read henry james now.

funny, innit? when we were all talking bollox like, people said maybe it changes and gets better when the new album is finally out. it's a mad world... ;)