i am now officially sick of your opinions about the new album

Mick Moss said:
Theres loads of influences here and there, but I dont go out of my way to sound like a particular band and Ive NEVER referenced any of my music back to FUCKING PORTISHEAD. I know because Im the fucker who did it.

Can someone explain now the persistence of Portishead comparisons?

First off, I added " I don't know Portishead so don't think I have a hidden point" to my question, that should indicate I wasn't asking because I thought you sounded like them.

I thought it a valid question, since I've heard that Portishead tag put on you as much if not more than on Anathema, so when Duncan talked about accepting that music sounded close to another band, I wondered. Seemed fair enough.

I don't know how come, since you're so persistent in it not being the case, but something in your music must remind people of Portishead, a friend of mine with absolutely no agenda who didn't even know the name of the band I was playing to him, said it sounded a bit like Portishead a minute into the opening track. So I guess you need to listen to your own advice (Dunc's), unless you believe everybody to be inept fuckers knowing nothing about anything, just labeling it as such because of the female vocals. But hell at least in my case, it should be Portishead being grateful of this, since it's made me check them out (first impression is I really don't like the vocals though).

You seem rather uptight about this, it's not as if this thread was flooded with remarks about you sounding as Portishead.

Now for something else, I'm really sick of this "fanboyism" point being pushed on people at the slightest of opportunities, I agree with you wholeheartedly, but enough with it. Over and over again at the slightest sign of someone really liking something and being honest about it and defending it, flamed.

Hell, I must admit, even at this point I'm pretty certain "Lights Out" and "A Natural Disaster" are both going to be all time favourite albums of mine, such fanboyism.

But really I'm only in to Radiohead and Portishead, they were just too mainstream for my liking, so I dug up these 2 unknown bands who supposedly sounded like them, to be really cool and on edge, sad thing I'm so moronic I can't even tell Antimatter doesn't sound at all like Portishead, but Anathema really do, so I get pissed at everybody who wants to reveal this to the world. That it?

Well, i kind of lost myself somewhere in that rant, no worries, just passing time.

And that start of "Violence" just gets to me every time, beautiful.
why don't you people just stop arguing. some stuff from the first Antimatter album and the title track of "A Natural Disaster" reminded me of Portishead, but then also some parts in a song from the new Antimatter also reminded me of Pink Floyd's "Welcome to the Machine" and "Pulled Under.." reminded me of "Sheep" and "A Dying Wish"(or as I call it - A Dying Sheep!) so what? I'm sorry thats how my brain works. nobody said that either Antimatter or Anathema are ripoffs of those bands or any other bands. we're not comparing Antimatter or Anathema to any bands, just saying some stuff reminds us of certain things.

ekements of music may remind you of other stuff you've heard and that's natural. in Anathema I can hear elements of Radiohead, Jeff Buckley, Portishead, Nick Drake, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Pink Floyd, etc etc.. so what? it's still Anathema music, it's their own sound, same with Antimatter. Anathema and Antimatter are bands that can stand on their own on the strengh of their music and of course do not need to be associated with other names all the time.

but everyone has influences and these show in their music - Lennon/McCartney had influences, Jimmy Page had influences, Roger Waters had influences, they put them together, added something from themselves and came up with something different and good. same with Anathema and Antimatter. so why get so offended by someone only stating their opinion that some song kind of "reminds" them of somebody else.

everybody's sick of something on this board today.. and I'm sick of people arguing. just leave it alone. the bottom line is, it's all good original music and like everything else it may have influences or certain things may remind people of other things and that's totally natural.
Cheers Danny and anathemaniac folks



and like me there are tons of people and fans in the whole world!!

Anathema is unique !!!

and if there's a band who ripp off's anathema , great I would listen to them (another type of anathema :cool: )

pagan2002 said:
i cant help it but you lot are driving me mad.
sounds like placebo??????
trying to be somebody we are not??????
how the hell do you know who we are anyway??????

i give up.

:OMG: I even don't know what to say now....
Actually, I don't know Portishead/Air whatever (kill me, I got another taste like, maybe I am not elite enough...), so I won't be able to say it sounds like this and that....
Of course, I don't know you personally .... how could I..???

The album is just great, thats my PERSONAL OPINION.. you should know that you're writing music that sometimes changes lifes like...its a virtue... should not be considered as a burden...
Cenk said:
. nobody said that either Antimatter or Anathema are ripoffs of those bands or any other bands. we're not comparing Antimatter or Anathema to any bands, just saying some stuff reminds us of certain things.

ekements of music may remind you of other stuff you've heard and that's natural. Anathema and Antimatter are bands that can stand on their own on the strengh of their music and of course do not need to be associated with other names all the time.

but everyone has influences and these show in their music - so why get so offended by someone only stating their opinion that some song kind of "reminds" them of somebody else.
thanks.i dont need to say anything else about the matter.im fed up with it anyway... Anybody whos still angry now can drink his bottle of vinegar.
take it easy love, opinions are like arseholes (as said), and if you share your music with the public, it's plausible to get criticism, tho it should always remain a discussion instead of throwing shit. and your's was perhaps taken outta context. we ppl are vunerable, and tend to defend. just stay true to your opinion, cos there always some truth in it.
perhaps not these last couple of remarks, but merely your comments do have substance.

dunno the correct translation, but as we say here like: "the highest trees catch the hardest winds"
dont get too carried away y'all...
Thanks mate!

These last couple of remarks are a saying in greece.when s.b. gets angry form no reason we say "drink vinegar",cos its so sour it may calm him down :lol:

My manner in speaking is usually "powerful",as i want to make ppl understand what im talking about,create vivid pictures on their minds(especially when im writting to multi-national readers).So numerous times my words fail to reach their target and they get misunderstood.i'll learn
Allan said:
First off, I added " I don't know Portishead so don't think I have a hidden point" to my question, that should indicate I wasn't asking because I thought you sounded like them.

I thought it a valid question, since I've heard that Portishead tag put on you as much if not more than on Anathema, so when Duncan talked about accepting that music sounded close to another band, I wondered. Seemed fair enough.

I don't know how come, since you're so persistent in it not being the case, but something in your music must remind people of Portishead, a friend of mine with absolutely no agenda who didn't even know the name of the band I was playing to him, said it sounded a bit like Portishead a minute into the opening track. So I guess you need to listen to your own advice (Dunc's), unless you believe everybody to be inept fuckers knowing nothing about anything, just labeling it as such because of the female vocals. But hell at least in my case, it should be Portishead being grateful of this, since it's made me check them out (first impression is I really don't like the vocals though).

You seem rather uptight about this, it's not as if this thread was flooded with remarks about you sounding as Portishead.

Now for something else, I'm really sick of this "fanboyism" point being pushed on people at the slightest of opportunities, I agree with you wholeheartedly, but enough with it. Over and over again at the slightest sign of someone really liking something and being honest about it and defending it, flamed.

Hell, I must admit, even at this point I'm pretty certain "Lights Out" and "A Natural Disaster" are both going to be all time favourite albums of mine, such fanboyism.

But really I'm only in to Radiohead and Portishead, they were just too mainstream for my liking, so I dug up these 2 unknown bands who supposedly sounded like them, to be really cool and on edge, sad thing I'm so moronic I can't even tell Antimatter doesn't sound at all like Portishead, but Anathema really do, so I get pissed at everybody who wants to reveal this to the world. That it?

Well, i kind of lost myself somewhere in that rant, no worries, just passing time.

And that start of "Violence" just gets to me every time, beautiful.
Thats lovely, but why are you telling me all this? Yes I am uptight about Portishead comparisons but thats because in my opinion we dont sound like Portishead and this reflects to me the ineptitude of people who are ready and willing to label us as a 'Portishead Rip Off Act' in one throwaway gesture. Fact is its been going on for about 3 years now so forgive me if I run down the handle really fast wearing a cape.

I'll be honest now - 'A Natural Disaster' title track sounds like Portishead. The vocals are sung exactly like the girl out of Portishead, and theres loads of 'Trademark Portishead Sounds' littered across the track. This is fine, if Anathema wanted to do this then fine I dont have a problem with that. What does piss me off though is that the minute somebody says it sounds like Portishead theres 4 or 5 people there straight away shouting that it doesnt (when it realy really does). Yet we get labelled as sounding like Portishead and everybody just agrees. (But we dont sound like them) So this is a contradiction because if the people who were arguing that we do sound like Portishead are doing so simply because of the female vocals then they should also be saying that 'A Natural Disaster' also sounds like Portishead. But they dont. So in the end Antimatter dont sound like Portishead yet get lots of comparisons / Anathema do a track which couldve come off any Portishead album and if somebody mentions ''it may sound like Portishead'' they get shouted at.

Now Allan, Im not aiming this post at you. I may have quoted you at the top but thats because your post influenced me to write this one, so to make things clear Im not starting an online argument that you feel the need to quote this post with a list of reasons why in your opinion i am wrong.

i think there's just one track where anathema sound like portishead, and anyway be it anathema or antimatter i think they should be free to record songs with females singing on them, it's not a portishead copyright to use girls to sing! LOL
I could create music on my piano with background farting and then somebody could copy it and say eh no you can't do that, that's just like andy's band!! NO! But I think it's fine i mean shit, bollocks, lol, as if portishead created something so original when they said hey, let's have a girl sing on songs to make something really new! FOL
Mick Moss said:
Thats lovely, but why are you telling me all this?

Well, much of the latter part of it wasn't really aimed at you, so I understand your confusion.

Thanks for the explanation. As for this board, I haven't noticed people being flamed more for Anathema-Portishead comparisons than for the Antimatter ditto, but I guess I don't notice it as much as you, it's very understandable that you're sensitive about your music.

Hope I didn't come off as attacking you, was never my intention, in the end I suspect there really ain't much of a disagreement here.
Crack Hitler said:
It ain't their fault if so many have been influenced by them :p
i'm starting to wonder who they copied in their place.
it's all about influences and inspiration. heads and the minds inside are unique tho.

blah, i'm sick of this discussion anyway. :ill: