i am now officially sick of your opinions about the new album

pagan2002 said:
sorry dudes i guess i got a bit upset. i dont have alot of confidence in me own songs and that...

Well you should, you're a damn good songwriter. But then again, I also get where you're coming from... I always think my songs sound pants & other people think they're good. Self-criticism is good to a certain extent as I think it always makes you try harder, but I really don't think you have anything to worry about, as your songs are really strong & I think it's just a shame that MFN don't do more to promote your new album as they seems to have done a shitty job so far.
Keep it up mate (Y)
Dhatura said:
Yeaheaheaheaaaaahs :cry:

Last time I cried it was Flying.

Well I can hold my hands up & say that Natural Disaster reduced me to tears :) which is a good thing, when music can touch you so much...the last one that did that was Radioheads 'Exit Music'....and no, that wasnt a comparison!
Andy_2003 said:
well find out which virus it is, is it the blasterworm? cos i had that, closes the machine down by itself. I can get rid of that one for you
I doubt it is the one. The blasterworm doesnt really wait for 10 mins to kick you off MSN, it just shuts down your PC after a few seconds, a couple of minutes max.
Strangelight said:
It keeps kicking me off every 10 minutes and now I cant get back on. Some kind person mailed me a virus though the other day and it seems to have stopped things running properly. Any e-advice like?
yeh andy helped me get shut of that fuckin blast worm whatever it is, and touch wood, my pc has been running fine, thanx andy :)
Hi together, and hi Danny, and yes, blhblah, I LOVE the new album, it´s better than AFDTE, and even that one was a masterpiece, you know what I mean. A german comedian (Dieter Nuhr) once stated: "The problem with democracy is, that people don´t understand, that one is allowed to have an opinion, but one does not necessarilly need to have one." I guess he is right. If you look at it like this... Well in my case things seem to be a little easier now ;)


P.S.: Last time I cried was to anathema´s electricity.

P.S.: I just hate listening to what I´ve done wrong in my life. But otherwise I love it...