I am quitting Metal Shop.


Aug 30, 2001
Today we made everything official. After 8 and half years, my friend Steve and I have decided to pass on the reigns of the greatest radio show ever of all time, throughout any known or unknown universe, past present or future. There never has been and will never be another show better.

Since September of 2001, Steve and I have hosted this show every single Saturday night. It's been an awesome experience and I'm glad to have had it, even though I never wanted or asked for it. I always thought it peculiar that I somehow ended up with a gig that so many people spend their entire lives trying to get, considering I fell into radio by accident in college and just rode the wave with minimal effort.

I never took it for granted though, and I had some amazing times and met lots of rad people and got to do tons of cool shit. Introducing Slayer to a sold out Moore Theater engulfed in fog definitely stands out as one of the most awesome. Doing an announcement after Children of Bodom finished playing and accidentally putting Alexi's spit-ridden microphone on my lips stands out as one of the worst. Being the first show to ever play any of the new Nevermore records was awesome too. Getting absolutely hammered at a Nevermore cd release party and calling Steve a faggot on stage in front of the whole crowd is a memory I wish I could forget haha.

I'm not really sure it's sunk in all the way yet. I don't think it will until I'm doing something else on a Saturday night when I would have been at work instead. But having my weekends back is what I'm most looking forward to. Having to work every single Saturday night at 11pm really puts a cramp on weekend plans. I'll definitely be going on a lot of weekend trips this summer.

I'm not really sure where I'm going with this thread. This whole shebang has been a few weeks in the making and I've been thinking about it a lot. Now I can finally talk about it. I think my life is going to be a lot different without Metal Shop. It's always been there, since I was a wee lil 21 I've been doing this. I'm excited for the change, though. I'm turning 30 in a couple weeks so the timing seems appropriate to have a big chapter close and another open.

The future is bright and my goal is to spend my 30's doing something as equally as awesome as I did in my 20's, and not dwell on past accomplishments. Rather, the aim is to surpass them and continue moving forward in whatever direction my feet take me. I'll still be working full time for the station in web department so I'm not leaving the industry completely (yet).

Now I'm rambling. I love you Metal Shop, and I always will!!!! :kickass::kickass:
That said, you want my job? Convince us why we should choose you to replace us.


Kev, said it to you many times before:
This is going to be a bitter-sweet departure, but I hope it will open many doors and bring many new exciting things!
You deserve it! :)
Thanks wb :) And thanks for always being there through the years and bringing me back to planet Earth when I'd make a big deal out of nothing. <3
Thanks wb :) And thanks for always being there through the years and bringing me back to planet Earth when I'd make a big deal out of nothing. <3

It's always a 'big deal' the moment it happens. I did nothing but being there when you needed it, but it was you alone who got on your feet like a true cat :)

Many exciting things are ahead of you babe :) Grab them and make them most of them!
...you'll have to mention to your replacements, when interviewing WD; ask him if everything in Wikipedia is true. So far, both times I've heard him on MS, the first topic had been "is Nevermore a progressive band" :lol:

Also, the Chinese say a man becomes a "man" at age 30...take it for what's it's worth.

There's always THE NAVY. Just think, they let Will in. :p

Good luck!
Onwards and upwards my man. There is no point standing still because the world and life continues to move swiftly and so the only serenity to be found is in moving as fast as it takes you.

Good luck!