I am quitting Metal Shop.

i think people used to call Pantera that. Pretty much groove metal is every band that plays riffs that aren't all thrash beats or blast beats all the time.

here's a heads up for kev and his locals, didn't want to make a new thread.


Ok all, doing a full on acoustic gig in Seattle this month...Saturday the 27th...lots of material at Soul Food Books. would love 2 see ya...

devin is groove metal too i guess
Being a weekend host myself, I can definitely understand your sentiment about "getting your weekends back". It sounds like a dream job and it definitely has its appeal, but it surely takes a huge toll on your social life and that - sooner or later - wears you down.

I have the comfort of being more or less able to choose when to work so I'll usually work 2 weekends max. every month now. The smaller paycheck definitely hurts, but keeping my bands and my relationships alive is ultimately more important to me.

Good luck with your future! :)
My friend John, before he got married, used to say that to girls he dated and dumped: "It's not going to work between us, but... Best of luck to you in your future"
Of course he was completely sarcastic with this remark, but every time he told me another story in which he said that to a girl it cracked me up.
What a douch comment, but because I know the guy and how sarcastic and dry-humor he is, it makes it funnier "best of luck in your future" hahaha :lol:
I actually know a good number of folks that really like it, most of them are decent musicians themselves. It seems to be pretty widely appreciated by geeky music types.