I Am So Jelous

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Blackwater Demon

Using Cold Words
Mar 30, 2008
Under The Weaping Moon
I have sen my fair share of shows inmylife but concidering Dream Theater and Opeth are coming here to play a show and I cant afford it I fel like utter shit. None of the shows Ive seen before will probably ever come close to this one. Besides, my wife is mad because Opeth sent her a message on myspace saying that if she talks to Mikeal we might be able to get backstage since we are such big fans and then he never sent her anything back so even if we could afford it I doubt she would go for it since she is pissed off at him. My life sucks because of this.

EDIT: sorry mispelled jealous
Your wife talks to Mikael on MySpace? Sweet.

I'm with ya, bra. There was an Opeth headlining show right near me and tickets were sold out. And I didn't even have a ride to try and get some scalped tickets, though I heard from people that there were no scalpers at the show.

Tickets aren't THAT expensive though, are they? For the Opeth show here, it was only $23 IIRC. Granted, Dream Theater wasn't there.
You can make friends here, but this forum is for METAL DISCUSSION. Maybe you should lurk more before posting to see how things work?
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