i could eat like 40 donuts right now

Dude, the artist representation is way off. Any standard anatomy course would teach that the suckers are on the tentacles. The mouth of an octopus is a CRUEL, HORRID, SHARP beak, used specifically for cracking shells and rending flesh. The only thing the woman in that picture should be feeling is CRIPPLING AMOUNT OF PAIN as she receives a BRUTAL CLITERECTOMY immediately followed by a HYSTERECTOMY! That would be if she was lucky though, the octopus might just decide to finish her off with a full scale disemboweling.
Josh Seipp said:
ok a) how did this get posted with no message body

b) man like ten hamburgers are alwaysssss SOOOO good
i just want to interject josh that i remember while we were stranded in worcester at denny's and i ordered that six mini-burger meal i had a hard time finishing it and it didn't really go down very well. but i guess the 5 cups of coffee i had to drink might have had something to do with that.
i can't believe i just looked at this thread for the first time.

however, through my psychic abilities: on the way home from the radio last friday morning at 4am, i stopped at krispy kreme and got half a dozen donuts. some were filled, some were not. but i felt like crap all day because i didn't eat anything else. that was the first time in like a year i actually bought donuts.

preppy wins, i won't challenge.