I cut my hair off

Oh man, prepare for some serious lulz - I've been rocking short hair for years now, cuz it was just such a nightmare to deal with when I had it "long" (never got it past shoulder length); it's just so wavy and poofy, one friend of mine called it "mom hair", which I think is soberingly accurate...get ready for it:


:D And actually, the year after (freshman year in college) I had it even longer, and got it to look good exactly 1 time, conveniently for a show (I won't embed the massive pic and totally dominate the thread, so here's a link) - but yeah, can't stress enough how 9 times out of 10 it looked like wavy poofy crap and I just always had a hat on; since '06 it's been short the whole time!
yeah well screw you guys that say dyeing your hair is bad
im going to do bright pink soon
believe it.
i so shouldnt put this pic up
but fuck it
this is the longest my hair has ever been:

back when i was actually going for the whole emo look
it was like an afro that sat way too low
i think this was like 2 years back now

fucking christ
HAhahhaahahahahaha, you look like you're 12 dude :lol: (he's 18 now btw Joe, believe it or not :D) And could you seriously see out of that?
LOL @ Gareth.

Here's my bad hair (and skin at that point in time) day:


Best day of my life when I shaved all that shit off.
Marcus, you look like one of those guys that play guitar for Avril Lavigne or that blonde Simpsom whatever chick i cant recall the name (Ashlee?).

I was bald (played basketball, wanted to be like Michael Jordan, but white, 5'6" and fat) from age 14 through 20 and then decided to have long hair (i had long hair when i was a kid, but cut it after someone nicknamed me "bitch hair"..because i looked like a whore with long hair eheh). It looked awesome on stage but i could easily scare a children with it. I cut it at shoulder lenght (think Gavin Rossdale) and it looked even worse - after my friends nicknamed me a bunch of things (Prince Adam, from He-Man was one of them) and my wife threatened me to cancel the wedding if i didnt cut that beast over my head, i decided to cut it :(

One year later, i feel so fresher, i can get it to look good on 15 seconds and not worry about the wind fucking with it. The next step will be going completely bald again as i am almost hairless over my forehead.
yeah i would have been uh
16 when i took that picture haha
i wish i could get my hair quite as thick as that still
ill get the picture of me "modelling" my how do mix drums tee in a bit so you can see how long it is now.
its not that much shorter tbh, its hovered around the same length for a couple of years now
i still look like a fucking dirty emo kid, intentionally or not.

ITT: Embarassing old hair pics lololol
My hair used to go down to mid back. Cut if off like 7 years or so ago and I dont miss it at all. My head doesnt get as hot and its easier to clean and brush