I discovered something. Could it be the reason???


Demon of the Fall
Aug 19, 2002
Maybe someone mentioned it earlier, but this is what I've just discovered:

Play Wreath and forward to 3:40 listen to it for some time.
Now put BWP into player, track 5 - Dirge for November, forward to 1:43 and listen for some time.
If you don't get the similarity of those two riffs listen to them once more.

Opeth became repetitive.
Or maybe even commercial! :eek:

I know, i'll be flamed or even banned...
Banned? Are you drunk??

Yes OMG Opeth became sellouts they now do recordings with Fred durst and sell millions of copies of their album full of remixes. That's why their new album is possibly their heaviest yet, duh :p
well, i tried your little test, minder. and although i fail to see where you get this ludicrous conclusion from, it did convince me to listen to BWP again for a time or two. i think the cd player was about to burn a groove in my spiffy new copy of Deliverance. thanks..
There are a TON of semi-repeated riffs in Opeth music. With this many melodies, its bound to happen sooner or later. It's not like they can write a riff and then compare it to every single one they've ever made to see if its too identical.
Similar rhythms, tempo, et cetera... it doesn't mean they're rehashing riffs. And even if they were, who cares? I think both parts are highlights on their respective albums, anyhow.
Wreath has a lot of ones that remind me of The Drapery Falls, but with a different mood. I think that's a closer similarity than DFN, but I do hear it vaguely now that you mention it.
Hrm... interesting conclusion... I kinda thought one of the intros (don't know which one... was in class and haven't checked the number yet) on deliverance reminded me startlingly of one of the intros from Soilwork's last album... not that the songs were anything alike... but it was just interesting...

Uh, guys. So what? Similarities in an artists shit always happen. Ask AC/DC, Cannibal Corpse, Carnal Forge, Slayer, ....well, you get the point. It's called having a style. If they didn't sound like Opeth, everybody would be bitching about it saying they sold out, got dumb, experimented too much, had Mikael's head too far up Steven Wilson's butt, or something. So, instead of intense experimentation and going other directions which would really piss everyone on this board off, you got this. Hey, not everybody can be musical visionaries like Metallica (cough). The new album's pretty wicked BTW.
Personally, I agree that having a style is a good thing as far as continuity between cds goes. If a band changed their style completely between every single cd, I don't know if I could stick along for that ride. And as far as hearing other bands influences in songs, I actually like that alot... it gives me a sense of what the bands I like listen to and respect.

~Kovenant (and its the beginning of Deliverance that sounds somewhat similar to the Soilwork track)
I'll tell you guys what. I do see similarities in a few things on the new album. It's part of what's cool and part of what's frustrating about it at the same time. The climbling melody in or near the middle in the song "Wreath" sounds an awful lot like one in either "The Moor" or another track from Still Life. I have been up and down with how I feel about this record. Of course, I did the same at first with BWP. Just not as much as the new album. The last two proper songs are kinda throwing me for a loop. The title track and A Fair Judgement are easily my favorites while Wreath took me a little while but I'm into it now. What is it about Master's Apprentice and By the Pain I See In Others that's nagging me a little? Well, that little Casio Keyboard sounding synthesizer part in the last song doesn't help. Kinda dorky. Master's Apprentice a bit more repetative than I'm used to them being.

What the fuck. Now I'm starting to nitpick. It must be contagious. I'm starting to sound like some kind of Roger Ebert or something. I don't know. Is anybody else having a particular problem with the last two tracks on the album?:eek: