I don't comlain a lot, but when I do...

AsModEe said:
Dead_Lioness said:
you're right, I forgot about the ignore option
I felt the board is going downhill and therefor I had to say soemthing.
thankyou for your petience.
I wasn't just speaking of you. However on your defense seeing pics of tattooed buttholes is getting kinda old.
teredd said:
Well then, I would suggest when replying or communicating to LGD we speak
"Jar-Jar'nese.There are a few combined factors which lead me believe he would explode into a thick yellow mist trying to make sense of it.
Mesa tinka dat so irrtating...
I don't think it's enough to make his head explode. Perhaps we could temper it with Yodific grammartization?

"So irritating dat mesa tinka. Hmmph!"

I don't know, though. I just moved house. I have such a mess I just gave up and bought a toothbrush until I find mine. I think ignore is easier. Besides, exploding yellow mist heads are very messy and I'm so not cleaning that up.
MetalAges said:
I would have deleted plenty of dopey threads before this but I usually don't like to step on the toes of a band's assigned mod. If it is annoying you all that much though, I would be more than happy to step in and start weeding out the junk.

Wendy needs to get off her ass and do something. :mad:
My question is. What the fuck type of no-life, 40 year old, overweight, retarded piece of shit decides to troll a board for a band [he] dosen't listen to? And then at that, decides to make every single god damned one of his non-sensual posts in caps?

I'm at a loss for words. People kill themselves for way less...