I was raised better than that...

hi and welcome...im Niels (AKA Jeff-Loomis-fan) im the guy THATS FUCKING ALWAYS is beeing ignored...i dont know...its fucking stressfull just like this whole world...

....im waiting all my life for the apocalypse and it still isn't here yet well i sense it will be soon MOEHAHAHA...but since their be no reply about it is a waste of time reading it...
Welcome to the insanity and the beginning of this board taking over your life, Mike
My names Max, everyone here (mostly anyway) knows me as that, so call me that i guess
Good too see more nevermore fans.
Dead_Lioness said:
hey there Mike #2 (since Xenophobe is Mike #1)
welcome to the Nevermore board,

i dont know if anyone has told you yet....
but every new member should give everyone on the board free beers before they join, so....
go do your thing :D

enjoy your stay.

im Karen :wave:
Hi Karen. :wave: Yeah..there's alot of Mike's around, lol. :p i got a few friends named Mike too... most of our friends just call us by our last names though, or some other nick names or something cause then everyone gets confused and stuff. :p

hmmm.....free beer.... unfortunatly i aint old enough to buy beer yet, but I do know someone who can get it for me so... :grin: :p
Free beer! :p
DreamNeonBlack said:
Raised in a barn? sweet

I was raised by wolves and had to work my way up to being raised in a barn.

Hi, welcome to the board.

with much contempt.
thanks. :wave:

dead6skin6mask6 said:
Welcome to the board. My name is Will, and you may call me this as you wish. Every other regular here knows me by this. Don't mind the assholes, and you should be fine here. Enjoy your stay.
hey Will :wave: Thanks.

Jeff-Loomis-fan said:
hi and welcome...im Niels (AKA Jeff-Loomis-fan) im the guy THATS FUCKING ALWAYS is beeing ignored...i dont know...its fucking stressfull just like this whole world...

....im waiting all my life for the apocalypse and it still isn't here yet well i sense it will be soon MOEHAHAHA...but since their be no reply about it is a waste of time reading it...
Well.. hi :wave: ... see.. I'm not ignoring you now. ;) :)
Pyrus said:
Welcome. I'm Reuben, resident drunken Jewish thrasher. Try not to take anything on this forum seriously.

What other bands are you into?
hey Reuben. :wave: thanks.

Other bands I like? I listen to a bunch of stuff, mostly I'm into In Flames, Arch Enemy, Children Of Bodom, and Shadows Fall. Then some other bands I got a cd or 2 of are Lamb of God, Slayer, Dark Tranquillity. And then I found a bunch of bands on Swedishmetal.net that I downloaded songs from and Burned onto CD's. lol. I know I'm definalty missing some bands on this little list, but these are the bands I've been listening to most lately.... I also listen to the classic rock radio station at work. lol... Cause my boss likes it. I kinda like some of it too though, some Led Zeppelin and stuff. lol.. I like alot of rock and metal really, but I'm mostly into the heavy stuff. :grin:
Wolftribe said:
Welcome to the insanity and the beginning of this board taking over your life, Mike
My names Max, everyone here (mostly anyway) knows me as that, so call me that i guess
Good too see more nevermore fans.
board taking over my life? :eek: I was affraid of that... :p Anyway, thanks.. and hi Max :) :wave:
Pyrus said:
Okay. I see neither Opeth nor Soilwork on that list. You may live. :grin:

Fucking around, of course. You heard Amon Amarth? They're kinda melodeath, and generally awesome.
Yeah!. Amon Amarth... dont have any of thier CDs i downloaded a few songs form thier site though.. They're awsome songs. :rock: