I don't like the Swedish language, yet...


Dec 21, 2001
Vintersorgs Naturens Galleri kicks MAJOR ASS!!

Could someone possibly translate it?
I think I might give the other Swedish albums a try too, how weird...
Originally posted by Fleischwolf
Häh, i thought you are from sweden, why would you want it to be translated then??

I am in Sweden, theres a difference, I am finnish.
Every Swede knows how much we like studying the Swedish language at school (we got better things to do then learn a language that is spoken by 8 million or so people :D or so we thought anyway.).
:lol: Kinda reminds me, I used to chat with a native Finnish girl who hated Finnish and wished more Finns could speak Swedish.

She's one of those people who loves languages, and when I asked if she'd translate a bunch of Vintersorg songs, she jumped all over the chance. Judging from the thread that was here a long while back where people were translating the songs, I think she was just about dead on with her translations too.
I'm going to learn swedish... want to move there, perhaps :) I'm just waiting for a chance to learn old norse... I think it should be easier (when there'll ever be an opportunity to learn old norse) with being able to talk swedish (and it's not that hard to speak swedish when you're speaking german as mother tongue it seems to me :) )

But swedish singing (as performed by Vintersorg!) sounds really much better than any german vocal lines to me... it sounds... difficult to say - very fluid, to me :)
Originally posted by AnsuzAstral
I'm going to learn swedish... want to move there, perhaps :) I'm just waiting for a chance to learn old norse... I think it should be easier (when there'll ever be an opportunity to learn old norse) with being able to talk swedish (and it's not that hard to speak swedish when you're speaking german as mother tongue it seems to me :) )

But swedish singing (as performed by Vintersorg!) sounds really much better than any german vocal lines to me... it sounds... difficult to say - very fluid, to me :)

My plans are simular. I need more time to learn, well have plenty for the next few weeks!
I dunno if it's really possible to learn the old norse... I do think the Norwegians have saved alot of the old norse in their nynorsk... but I know from my father that the university of Greifswald is working on a what seems good dictionary of the old norse... what's left anyway... Don't know how long it takes them, tho... they've been working on that for some years already.
the languages most similar to old norse are icelandic and faroese, with icelandic being even more conservative towards influences and changes! nynorsk did conservate more ancient norse than the other scandinavian languages bokmål(the other norwegian language), danish and swedish! but icelandic still has the letters Ð and þ and it conjugates it's verbs! in the other scandinavian languages it doesn't matter if you say "i go", you go" or "we go", it is allways "jeg gå" "du gå" "vi gå"! in icelandic(like in german:)) the verb changes. and there is several other things like that! i don't speak any icelandic (except "góðan dag" :lol: ) but it is quite a difficult language to learn! maybe fjelltussa can add more useful things!:p
I love that language. Unfortunately I don't understand anything when Swedes are having a conversation. I was reminded of this only a couple of hours ago when I've been in company with Swedes....

I definitely want to learn it properly sometime in the future because my efforts in self-studying a couple of years back were ridiculous to say the least.
I recently visited my future college and fell in love with it, especially after a student ambassador mentioned their study abroad program. One of the 20 or so countries was...you guessed it: Sweden. I think I will definitely try to study in Sweden for at least one semester. If I can't schedule living there for one semester, I would at least like to possibly take some courses in the summer. I would love to visit Sweden, but I think if I were to stay with a host family or in a residence hall everyone would speak English so well that I wouldn't get to practice much Swedish.

It will be a chore learning the language, but I just want to get a grasp of the basic grammar and some vocabulary before I spend several months of my life in a foreign country. I will try to learn as much as I can beforehand, but there is only so much I can learn before I reach my peak. I will just have to be around the language everyday and HAVE to speak it before I learn it. I think it will be a wonderful journey.
It will be a chore learning the language


It won't be a chore :D

I'm working on learning it now, not very far in though ehe.

I'm just listening to dialogues with translations daily, every day a few more words "stick", then once a lot of words stick and such i'll start reading swedish sites and get more words to stick. Once lots of words stick i'll know it pretty well :D Won't be too hard I hope, it'll just take a long time.

Gary Coleman är.... .. Gary Coleman :D
like german words icelandic ones can be very long

ehm... like

I´d like to go to Sweden sometime for Nordjobb and learn it better...I hate danish, can´t speak it properly!

haltu kjafti = shut up
Originally posted by Vanir
Well, German is a "hard" language. Ours are much more "soft", really. Some people actually say it sounds like we sing when we're speaking.

Yep that is true, my roomie said that too when I told him that I like swedish song (you actually should have seen his face too, it was like :OMG: ).

Anyway, the sad thing is, I can follow a conversation between 2 swedes pretty well, especially since it is usually technical in nature, but the language in Vintersorg songs is way above my skill.

I haven't really bothered with swedish since I got out of school some 10 years ago and I sucked then, but I guess something has stuck.
I have learned quite a bit during the last 7 months I have been working here, but I still use english to make any sense :D ).
Originally posted by OpethianSoul
I think I will definitely try to study in Sweden for at least one semester.
But then you should make sure that you stay there during the summer...otherwise you'll freeze your ass off.

My sister also has to study in a foreign country for at least one semester...she wants to go to denmark. That's crazy! - even here, in the northern part of germany the weather is bad enough - I've had enough of this damn rain and wind and stuff. I would rather study in a country like Spain, Greece or Italy - they've at least got beaches and palm-trees and everything! And the booze isn't as expensive there - it's just grappa and ouzo instead of vodka. Besides that Italy and Greece have some decent metal bands too.
I need to escape from here as soon as I've finished school...
Originally posted by Morgana
Fir me it would be the best hanging out with Swedes every day...

I do, it's not what it's cracked up to be :D
The thing is, they usually speak swedish, even when they know you don't (or maybe cos of it) and they speak it too fast to really make out anything but a general idea of what they are talking about. And for some reason, the ones I work with speak horrible english, funny concidering it's an american company, so english is supposed to be the main language.
they've at least got beaches and palm-trees and everything!

Not what it's cracked up to be.

I used to live in Kansas City, it got cold in the winter and what not there.

Then I got excited when we moved to Florida, I said same thing 'Yay the ocean and palmtrees!'

Get here, humid as fuck, gets too hot, annoyingly hot 3/4 of the year. I'm not a fan of the beach, maybe you would be, but I hate getting all sandy and salty. Palmtrees, wohoo, interesting scenery change for a month.

Maybe i'm just too pessimistic.
Palmtrees, wohoo, interesting scenery change for a month.
I guess it's the same as with summer/winter: you always want that what you don't have at the moment...
Maybe it's just because I haven't been on vacation for about 2 years...it's never been so long before. Need to see beaches again...at leat for 2 weeks or something...