I found a new band to hate!!!


I'm 180 degrees opposite of you on this one. The issue isn't whether you make your living in music, but the extent to which you are able to follow your individual vision. You can compromise your style to be more popular, or compromise it to be more "tr00", but one is as gay as the other IMHO. Whether you sell 10CDs or 10 million; if you're following your vision of what you want to do, that's cool. If you're just playing through whatever sells because you want to sell stuff, then you're sacrificing art on the altar of commerce. I've been the guy who played music that he hated to make money, and there's nothing remotely cool about it.

Brilliantly said Travis, nothing to add except that I totally want to be the "drone by day, metalhead by night" type, so I can keep it as something I love, not come to resent it by having to do it for a living!
Haha, you guys are too harsh. The techno break was the best part, the only thing that wasn't generic. Props to them for trying something different. The rest of the song was okay, and the guitar tone slays. I'll buy the CD.

Not exactly original. These guys not only have done it as well but they also saved it for the end and right after a breakdown just like attack attack.

I guess it's their way of trying to somehow make the kids remember them among all the other bands that play the same style. (still need a shrug smilie)
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I'm 180 degrees opposite of you on this one. The issue isn't whether you make your living in music, but the extent to which you are able to follow your individual vision. You can compromise your style to be more popular, or compromise it to be more "tr00", but one is as gay as the other IMHO. Whether you sell 10CDs or 10 million; if you're following your vision of what you want to do, that's cool. If you're just playing through whatever sells because you want to sell stuff, then you're sacrificing art on the altar of commerce. I've been the guy who played music that he hated to make money, and there's nothing remotely cool about it.

Thing is, they probably ARE following their vision of what they want to do :lol:
I mean...personally I really hate this music

if someone makes a living from making music (no matter what kind of music) it's 10000times more metal than anyone working at seveneleven, as an architect, electrician....
I personally hate people painting their faces, playing with their band in the local youth-center every other month shouting "Trve" and accusing every successful band of being gay/untrue/not metal.
Amen to that.
hey, just as my day :D
started with bad sleep and weird dreams. everywhere zombies + I killed some with my bare hands (you know what works in dreams)

I yesterday started smoking cigarettes again seriously (i´m ratty the whole day already)..I wait 3 weeks for my internet and phone connection (new housing) AND STILL NO FUCKING I-NET!!! I´m just sitting in my parents house :rolleyes: The lowpoint of the day was the 1und1 phone service queue...:yuk: :yuk: :yuk: FUCK THE WORLD!

I killed some with my bare hands (you know what works in dreams)

ugggg looks like another band buys there pants at the same place as my girlfriend....................

metal needs to be metal again not some aluminum foil ripoff...
I'm 180 degrees opposite of you on this one. The issue isn't whether you make your living in music, but the extent to which you are able to follow your individual vision. You can compromise your style to be more popular, or compromise it to be more "tr00", but one is as gay as the other IMHO. Whether you sell 10CDs or 10 million; if you're following your vision of what you want to do, that's cool. If you're just playing through whatever sells because you want to sell stuff, then you're sacrificing art on the altar of commerce. I've been the guy who played music that he hated to make money, and there's nothing remotely cool about it.
I agree with you generally. But having been around some all I can say is I haven't ever met anyone who successfully "compromised their vision" to succeed. I think there is this misconception that selling out is actually an option for anyone--as though there are label guys on every corner giving out big checks and myspace haircuts.
The reality is it is very difficult to succeed doing what you love, let alone something you are half-hearted about. "Selling out" is next to impossible. Generally that term comes up as an attempt to moralize taste.
I think Lasse's point was that success in music is worthy of respect in it's own and it requires a level of work and commitment unappreciated and often marginalized by those who live with their mom and play gigs once a month.
I agree with you generally. But having been around some all I can say is I haven't ever met anyone who successfully "compromised their vision" to succeed. I think there is this misconception that selling out is actually an option for anyone--as though there are label guys on every corner giving out big checks and myspace haircuts.
The reality is it is very difficult to succeed doing what you love, let alone something you are half-hearted about. "Selling out" is next to impossible. Generally that term comes up as an attempt to moralize taste.
I think Lasse's point was that success in music is worthy of respect in it's own and it requires a level of work and commitment unappreciated and often marginalized by those who live with their mom and play gigs once a month.

There's a truth, loose, aboot the hoose!
Apart from everyone ripping this band apart, and the idea of selling out and whatnot, to me the issue of bands like this, and even something like Borkencyde - in a way - could be construed to mean that younger generations are a bit more open to a variety of styles of music mashing up (for lack of a better term) to produce something like this. It seems like younger bands (think teenage to early 20 year olds) are more apt to have these off the wall mixes of metal/pop/hip hop, etc...And the sad part is that they take the most raped and cliched aspects of those genres to make their music, so it comes off cheapened and dumb. While I think those who listen think it's something new or different, it isn't at all, IMO the musicians playing it just haven't perfected their songwriting craft to the point where they can make a more singular statement...Which these days doesn't seem to be something musicians seem to be down for, especially in styles where heavier music is involved. So in the end the people griping the most are the ones more apt to be labeled curmudgeons or too "troo" (which in this case, I'd prefer to be a curmudgeon).

IMO, there is a lot to be said to have a more narrow focus when writing one's music. Just because the scope has breadth doesn't mean the music is any better...at all.

This kind of thing to me in heavy music is akin to what Britney Spears and any other pop tart is to mainstream pop music.