I got beat up by my pals last weekend

Hell Mike

fuck melodic black metal
Aug 22, 2003
yo nigz too fucking many unread topics so I won't bother, at least not right now so instead I'll tell the story of when I got beat up by my pals this weekend, here we go: I got beat up by my pals this weekend.
I don't really know much of the story, as some of you might have guessed, the incident happened after consumption of alcoholic beverages plus they hit me in the face several times, probably quite hard too so I just remember fragments. There were eight of them and one of me, I like to think that I got at least 2-3 of them before they beat me senseless, a not-so-wild guess is that I praised a great german leader in public and they took offence so they kicked my ass. I woke up all bloody and naked in my own bed.I think it was kinda funny actually, it's the first time I ever got a real beating that counts and stuff plus it wasn't too serious, it's not like I lost teeth or anything.
If you want to get even with them, play some Der Sturmer very loudly out of your window and wait for the Zulus to set up camp in your garden ready for WAR!
Too bad. Maybe you shouldn't have done objectionable (to them) things in public.

I thought only Jews would be deeply offended by that.
That reminds me, back in high school this whole swarm of black chicks (like 70 or more) were singing happy birthday to one of their friends, and my bro, a 400 lb. Samoan looking dude, gets up and yells "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SHAKA ZULU!!!" Needless to say he got leveled by a black chick and dropped his burrito. Best day ever.
haha, I remember back in high school I was in English class and we were going to watch a movie, so the teacher turns off the light, and there was this charcoal black guy in the class. When she turned off the lights, this football player yells "Sam, open your eyes or smile, we can't see you!"
