i got ripped off for i am retarded.....


New Metal Member
Jun 5, 2005
ok, heres how it is .... i made this kickass opeth keyrack, it had the opeth letters done perfectly with a wood burner my friend was supposed to give me twenty bux 4 it but he never did now im depressed because i shouldve given it to a fan art type thing pity my stupidity
yeah...it had to be a keyrack cuz i made it in shop class and my teacher is an old nam vet and i diddnt want to piss him off cuz this one time....he had a flashback and grabbed some kid , screamed GET DOWN!!! and flipped over a desk and threw blocks of wood everywhere....would you wanna bring that uppon yourself? :confused:
NineFeetUnderground said:
a keyrack? a keyrack? i dont even own A key, let alone MANY keys, to necessitate an entire rack. what am i gonna do...with a key rack?

huh? I own a gunrack. My psycho hose beast ex-gf gave it to me. I bought the guns later, so she'd stop stalking me.
Looking for a Job said:

How come touche is pronounced too-shay but douche is pronounced "doosh?"

But yeah. Keyrack? Aren't those like, 1970's. I don't know anyone under the age of 45 that owns a keyrack.

Ah.. the effects of Roadrunner on our music sub-culture.
mysweetdeath said:
How come touche is pronounced too-shay but douche is pronounced "doosh?"

good observation. i don't know the answer. if we wanted to pronounce "chair" as watermelon, we could..or "dildo" as fat fucking slut ass bitch my pals twat"..but anyway, if you wanna say douche as "doo-shay" go for it.
because touché is directly borrowed from French while douche was derived from French and run through the bastardization machine that is the evolution of English
if you'd read the entire thread you would know that it had to be a keyrack cuz i diddnt want my psycho shop teacher to attack me... :Smug: