I guess I'll start...post your picture!


I cheated and had someone take the pic for me

Oh that's it you just ruined the entire thread! o_O :puke: :loco: :worship: :zombie: :erk: :kickass: :heh: :OMG: :mad: :saint: :headbang: :cool: :headbang:
I have some good shots of just about everyone on the tour. ahahaha

This is the moment Rob promised Thurisaz a spot on Powerfest!


No, no, this is me begging to Rob: " I'm horny and damn you bastard, let us play in Chicago!!"
He was like: "get the **ck of me man! Your breath is horrible!! OK, see you in april!"

aaaaah, the memories...
As my flight is now booked, I should make you all familiar with my face so you may worship me upon arrival:

Taken at the Kelly Inn in St. Paul before Heathen Crusade 2, my traditional 'tongue-out upon arrival' photo:


Ladies: Note my wonderfully clean tongue (Unlike a certain man named Will Bozarth) and luscious curly locks of METAL (and keratin).

And this was taken during Slough Feg, and is the way you will probably see me most of the weekend, sans when I am hitting the bottle.


And to wrap things up, for now: A picture from August 06... this is me, with friends and other random people I met that day, outside of The Fillmore in SF, 4 hours before Venom was to start, in one of my most metal of poses ever:

You look oddly familiar. Do you happen to play... I think it was drums? And did you play an open mic at Lamplighters grill some time ago?

And thanks, Pate. It's one of my favorite shirts.

Hehe nope, I play guitar, and I've never been to Lamplighters grill, hell, I haven't even heard of it :lol:
Just me:


Me and TheGreatDeceiver, with JayKeeley giving us the bird.


EDIT: I don't know why the first picture won't come up.