I guess I'll start...post your picture!

Here's a crappy camera phone pic.
I am thinking of using this pic for the cover for my one-man black metal project called: KVLT KOSHER.....

I've noticed that a lot of the married w/ children metal men around here have mostly little girls. Must be a lot of X chromosomes in their DNA, or maybe a lack of the Y...

Nevertheless, they're all cute little girls! :)

I've noticed that a lot of the married w/ children metal men around here have mostly little girls. Must be a lot of X chromosomes in their DNA, or maybe a lack of the Y...

Nevertheless, they're all cute little girls! :)

Yes, VERY true.
Almost all metal guys I know have daughters.
I think Dan (Danimal) has a boy....
Rob, I think, has one of each....

'Tis why songs like "Autumn Reflection" and "Twilight Innocence" makes us all weep like little school girls!!!!! :lol:
I hope I'm never anywhere near you on the road.

I am a VERY good driver!!!
(Except for the time I almost killed myself and Bob's brother on the way back from a KISS show up in Milwaukee quite a while back - though it was VERY icy).
We spun my camaro around a full 360°, almost hitting a cop who was standing on the side of the road!!!!

Ironically, we had Manowar's "Wheels of Fire" playing.....

At this moment, Lee wonders to himself how good of a driver one could be while snapping photos of oneself.

It's called multi-tasking!!!!!!
Don't worry, once you enter the corporate world, you will understand.....
(You college kids think you know EVERYTHING!!) :googly:
I don't have any fancy gadgets in my car.
I don't even have a CD player, just a tape deck.
I have to run my discman or MP3 player through one of those wired cassette adapters. VERY 90s!!!!!!!